Just a curious question

Not that it matters in a movie like this but I was still curious why in the baseement scene towards the end was the nude blonde the only one who "looked normal" in the face. And what happened to the brunette? Did she not turn into a ghost like the others?


ok, lol I just watched this and I "THINK" this is how is goes:

The brunette wasn't part of the "gang", and we she her get stabbed by the
fat guy earlier before rose goes postal on them all, but the blonde
in part of the gang so shes a ghost?? i dunno.

as far as why she wast in a costume, I really think they wanted more T & A
but if you want a theory story wise, I would say that although she
was in the gang, she wasn't a full member yet, remember when she
gets mad about the alive blonde getting the "role" after all this time
and them rose vaporizes her? well I would sat that meant that she
was waiting for full status, thus she wasn't able to be a monster and has
no real power.

but I have put WAY too much time thinking of this wacky movie, lol
