Hercules throwing the bear into space was the funniest thing I ever saw

I laughed so hard and had to rewind that part 10 times


I love when he has a stone or something heavy attached to a rope, with the other end attached to his chariot. He hurls the stone off the planet, which carries the chariot (with him in it!) off the planet, through space, even steering it to where he wants to go. So many science laws are broken by then you head will explode if you haven't suspended disbelief. Great stuff!


Ha ha I saw that on the trailer for this documentary and decided that I NEED to see this documentary ASAP and I might have to watch that Hercules movie too.

I just remembered Lou Ferrigno threw a bear in an episode of The Hulk. I wonder if that's why they had him do it in Hercules.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


He wanted a family movie and the script he got had Hercules getting blowjobs. Hahaha
