MovieChat Forums > Shut Up and Play the Hits (2012) Discussion > Just saw it tonight (Tues July 18)

Just saw it tonight (Tues July 18)

Loved this documentary. Appreciated his thoughts on getting older, becoming famous, and retiring LCD Soundsystem at thier peak. However I was really glad in the essence of time, and the fact that I have to get up tomorrow at 6:30am for work, they could just shut up and play the hits!

I was definitely toe tapping and head bobbing like I was at that Madison Square Garden show but only in our tiny theater tonight. Would have danced down the aisle's too, if they wouldn't have thought I was crazy for doing so.

I would say get this on DVD when it comes out. Can't wait to show it to my friends.


Ok, I gave this a shot on Netflix. I still to this day don't know who this guy or this band is. I'll admit I'm older than average and still listen to stuff like CSN&Y, The Band, CCR etc (I realize I'm speaking a foreign language to todays modern music listeners). This is way off my radar. I gave it 10 minutes, up to and including the first few sung notes that I'm assuming began the "concert". Now, I'm into The Dead, but this does nothing for me. I'm sorry, I guess I'll have to live the rest of my life not knowing the joys of enjoying this music. I guess I'm stuck in the 50s, 60s, 70s...

but to younger people, enjoy, turn your stereos/beats/iphones up....have at it!!!

I used to p off my Dad when I cranked Led Zeppelin too loud...each generation to it's own...


Nah, you're not stuck in the 50s, 60s, 70s... you're just having difficulty distinguishing between music and the narcissistic, self-absorbed pink noise LCD Soundsystem has convinced themselves is "art". Just like they've convinced themselves, if you throw enough money and dramatic lighting at a screen and keep moving the camera around, you've made a "feature documentary".

My overall impression, at the end of this picture, was that I had just been shown all the out-takes of This Is Spinal Tap (1984) strung together and apparently I'm too stupid to get it.

I hope petting James Murphy's ego was worth the trouble 'cause I doubt this picture made enough box-office to cover stock and camera rentals.

Another 108 minutes of our lives, shot & gone to he¬¬...
