what James Rolfe is good at...

I didn't like the Angry Video Game Nerd movie, and haven't liked most of the recent episodes either. However, I just looked at the trailer for his annual "Monster Madness" marathon of horror movie reviews and it reminded me what I like about him. He is very good at conveying his lifelong enthusiasm about watching and making movies. This is a little ironic, given that his claim to fame is a character that does the opposite: rant about how much he hates things. I don't really think that shtick works for him anymore (I know, just my opinion). But when he talks about his early experiences as an amateur film-maker and about the movies he loved as a kid, I still feel his talent and enjoy watching him. I no longer really enjoy watching him play this angry person he isn't (in all the videos of him being himself, he's quite laid back), and don't think hes a very good actor or fictional storyteller. But his non-fiction work can be great (when it's not just him and Mike sitting on the couch playing video games).


his character isn't him, it's a nitpicking, obscene, strange human being that you wouldn't want to meet. it's the opposite to him, the real Rolfe loves bad games and movies, they are like cult 'guilty pleasures' to him. He's even made many cheesie b-movies in his backyard, he made his film to be cheesie too just check out that ET head in nightmare scene, he could have easily made that better or made it computer generated, but he wanted to go back to his childhood and the lowbudget movies he loves. I think he should make more videos talking about monsters, he has much to talk about and it's something I find interesting also.
