It's Come Down to This

When internet celebrities make movies, that their ego and what product they have end up collide in a bad manner. This movie is now going to be in the rank like The Fred Movie is.

The AVGN character has really taken it's course, in fact, it's been on it's toll. This movie is really just a huge jump the shark moment for him. Unfortunately though, he's going to be bitten hard and I hope there's a lesson to be learned from this. If there is any.

This coming from yet another former fan of his who just stopped giving a damn about some guy shouting cusses and making a big-deal about old games. In fact, in general I've stopped giving a damn because it's merely making a product out of a hobby.

Get a clue, James. If anything this movie has accomplished is that it's only going to be a cult classic. But to AVGN fans only, whereas there have been films that bombed at the box office. That became cult classics for good reasons. This film? Nope. Not even a hope there for that.

This is why internet celebrities should NOT come out and make movies or even TV-Shows about what they do online. Because the majority of us will really see for what it really is. Retarded.


That's well said.

(( Sidenote :

Why is it that sometimes the people with interesting posts have the kind of nicknames that I just can't bring myself to compliment with wisdom..? Neo-TOASTY? What the..?

Anyways, but your post was good, and that's what counts.

End of sidenote. ))

I wonder how long the fanboys can keep up the enthusiasm after this movie.

Surely EVEN THEY should pretty soon start seeing that the clothes the emperor is wearing are pretty invisible, and eventually, that they are in fact, non-existent.

It's hard to imagine even the most drooling fanboy watching this movie and sincerely and passionately raving about how great it is. It's going to take a LOT of energy to keep up the enthusiasm and believing the lie.

I hate to say it, but .. I told them so.


If theres something fanboys have plenty of it's energy XD


"in fact, it's been on it's toll"

What does "it's been on it's toll" even mean?

And what being an internet celebrity have to do with the quality of a movie? AVGNTM sucked....but so do a lot of movies made by regular old "celebrities". Whether the person making the movie started on the Internet or not is incidental.


Why do you have to lie and pretend you were ever a fan?


I feel a little sympathy for James Rolfe and Doug Walker.

They seem like they are kind of trapped into these characters.

Doug tried to end the Nostalgia Critic, but nobody cared about his new show Demo Reel, so he was forced to bring back NC to keep the money coming in.

I know he's never admitted to that, but it's obviously the reason.


They seem like they are kind of trapped into these characters

I don't think they really are. Look at James other shows like Board James & YKWB. They're just as popular as the Nerd. Personally i always found Board James the most interesting of those. The reason Demo Reel failed wasn't because it wasn't NC. It was because it wasn't very good. If Doug came up with something on par or superior to NC i am sure most people would watch it. I think it's really a matter of quality rather than characters.


Yeah and I'm "forced" to work in an oil field to "keep the money coming in".

Everybody has to work if they want to eat. Sorry if I don't feel much "sympathy" for them. There are a lot worse jobs they could have.



When people say stuff like this, it seems like you're just taking out your hatred of your soul crushing job on people you think have it easier, or have somehow manged to get by doing something they enjoy.

It comes off as petty to me, not noble.

Putting up with a crappy job doesn't make you some kind of working class hero.


"Hmmmmmm"..,,,,..went totally over your head huh?

Let me explain it for our ....slower....readers.

James makes a living making (sometimes) funny Internet videos. Good for him.

I was responding to saying you felt "sympathy" for him because he "has to keep making them to keep the money coming in" other words....for having a "job".

First, James doesn't have to keep making them. He could do something else. Maybe it wouldn't be successful, maybe it would, but he has that choice. If he really is that burned out on doing AVGN.....then he can move on, nobody is stopping him.

Second....,most people have jobs that they don't always enjoy, right? As far as jobs you don't always enjoy go.....making (sometimes) funny Internet videos isn't that bad.

I didn't say I had any "hatred" for my job, I didn't say it was "soul crushing ", that's you projecting. I just said I do it to keep money coming in so I don't have sympathy for a guy who is burned out making (sometimes) funny Internet videos.

Your post comes off to me as a really cracking example of someone dumb trying to be condescending.

Putting up with a "crappy" job makes me a guy who can pay his bills, just like everyone else who works for a living, which is most of the world.

Next time don't make so many assumptions and actually try responding to what someone is saying instead of projecting your own message onto theirs.


While I disliked the movie, I don't think the AVGN has grown stale. What partially helps is that his reviews are spaced out. NC, on the other hand, has grown stale in large part because he puts out too many reviews too closely together.
