MovieChat Forums > Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie (2014) Discussion > the nostagia critic needs to review it

the nostagia critic needs to review it

come on, it is bound to happen.


Doug already reviewed it, that's enough.


he did and totally wussed out.


How so?


you can still tell he didn't really like it. He ran out of things to praise the movie and went on a generic rant about how practical effect is better than CGI.


So, an assumption. Good one.


A sound assumption shared by many. Thank you.


Agreed. Doug totally hated the movie's guts yet wanted to appear positive about it while keeping his integrity. If I were him, I'd just ignore it and let my silence do the talking, but I guess he felt obligated to post something about it. It was a competent wuss out, but still a total wuss out.

To be honest, I never really cared for TGWTG anniversary specials neither. They were never so horrid as the AVGN movie though...


Nope, he like everyone else, respects and enjoyed it, but exposed the obvious flaws. Not all of it was good, but it was a good fan film.

Your hate fist bump with him is denied. Stop bundling sticks now.


He even outright says at the start of the review that if he didn't like it, he would lie, so hard to really believe him after that.


He really didn't talk much about the movie itself. Only thing he really talked about was the monster punching the building. He didn't talk about the plot of any of the jokes.


Just look at Doug's review, isn't it obvious what he REALLY thought about it?

He clearly disliked it, I'm no expert or anything, but his body language gave off that disappointed vibe. He did the right thing, James is his friend, so he didn't slate something that took him years to finish. It's called being a good friend. Sometimes in life you have to kiss ass, in the workplace it's done on a daily basis.

But I guess if you really have to question why Doug praised it whatever the outcome/finished result of the movie. Some people on here have no idea what being a good friend is.

"im beautiful your not" - me
"you're* " - you


But this makes me lose respect for him. What if he befriends Michael Bay? Transformers movies will be the greatest movie series ever made then?


But this makes me lose respect for him. What if he befriends Michael Bay? Transformers movies will be the greatest movie series ever made then?

There is a diffrent between James and Michael. James did the best he could with the limited ressources he have. Michael Bay has a tons of cash and just not even try anymore :P


No he didn't. He made something self-indulgent that amused himself most of all, while not caring for the objective quality of what he did.

If he did the "best he could" he would have made a movie which actually starred a Nerd who actually behaved like a Nerd and not like James Rolfe, benevolent reviewer-messiah, and he would actually invest time and effort into a sensible plot and funny jokes and not just focus on tons of practical effects which were nowhere near as fun to watch as they probably were to film.

If you want to see a "reviewing web series turned into an over-the-top comedy movie" done competently, also with limited resources, check out "Ashens and the quest for the game child". Even if you dislike it, at least you didn't have to pay to watch it.


"Sometimes in life you have to kiss ass, in the workplace it's done on a daily basis."

Yes, this is what the spiritual leaders of all time have always taught us. Jesus talked about it a lot, and Buddha mentioned it in many of his teachings, and of course Zen koans are full of .. hey, wait.

You never HAVE to kiss ass. That's what spineless worms think, not human beings with a spine.

There can be CONSEQUENCES for being honest, truthful, upright and able to look yourself in the mirror, or being able to sleep at night. Sure. But that doesn't mean you HAVE to do any lying, ever.

Truth shall set you free, and honesty would make this world a paradise.

Lying and ass-kissing is ego-, and fear-based manipulation of other people so you could reap some tiny Earth-benefits for yourself, in the expense of others.

Truth is always the first victim.. but it doesn't have to be so.

I have _NEVER_ had to kiss ass. I can't remember having ever done it, except literally, perhaps, in a sexual situation, but that's not what you are talking about, obviously.

What you are saying is just a flimsy RATIONALIZATION for yourself, to soothe your conscience that is trying to alert you of your evil behaviour. Lying is evil, and there is no such thing as a 'white lie'. But half-animals of this planet always rationalize their evil so that it seems smaller, so they can live with themselves.

And then they develop psychological issues and end up taking some kind of pills and being all confused about life.

No 'benefit' from ass-kissing is worth losing your spine, worth not being able to look at your own eyes in the mirror, or worth not being able to sleep well (the best sleeping medicine is good conscience and empty stomach).

You definitely don't _HAVE_ to ever ass-kiss. You can CHOOSE to do it, to avoid some consequences (imagined or otherwise). You can THINK it's the easier way (but in the long run, it's the more difficult path, because of the karma, for one thing).

It's amazing that the odd denizens of this planet really have no sense of right and wrong, morality, or good vs. evil anymore.

Shape up, man, and grow a spine. DARE to be honest! It might not be easy, but it WILL set you free and create a true connection to your real self, which is where actual self-confidence comes from anyway. You can't have confidence, if you think you HAVE TO LIE. This is not true, this is just your fear speaking.

You do NOT have to listen to your fear.

And you definitely do not have to rationalize such a foolish choice with such flimsy excuses on a forum. It's the oldest rationalization in the book, like.. "everyone does it!", or "if I don't do it, someone else will", and all that. We've all heard it before, but you'd be wrong. Not everyone does it, and you absolutely NEVER HAVE TO ass-kiss whatsoever. NEVER.

Even if you 'lose your job' because of not ass-kissing, you are still alive, you didn't HAVE TO ass-kiss. It's just consequence - and if that's the consequence of honesty, then it's for the better. We don't really need 'jobs' anyway, we have just been brainwashed to believe that lie.

A cosmic messenger told us that our Creator KNOWS our needs, and will give us what we need, because we need it - not because we 'buy our worth from a human-made corporation by wage-slaving and ass-kissing away on a daily basis so the poor can be exploited so the rich can get richer'.

Just remember that we also have Karmic debts, and we have a need to absolve them - it's the only way to get our bad deeds forgiven and away from our conscience - otherwise, we'd have to carry them for all eternity, and THAT would definitely be a horrible destiny for any living soul. So there will be pain, there will be people, who starve, because they starved others previously, and are now paying their karmic debt.

But that doesn't mean you ever HAVE to ass-kiss. You might just as well change the 'ass-kissing' to any other form of evil, and see how well your rationalizing holds. Sometimes you just have to murder? Sometimes you have to steal? Does it still sound logical and rational?

No. You NEVER have to ass-kiss, and if you think otherwise, you are controlled by fear and illusions, and I pity you.


Umm okay, you took this post a little too seriously, lol. You realise this discussion is about Doug reviewing James's movie, right?

Do you expect Doug to open up and be honest, hurt James's feelings for the sake of saying what he really thought about a 90 min movie? In his true form I'm sure he thought it was terrible. But saying that publically would make him look like an a-hole and not only that but destroy their friendship. From what I know, Doug isn't that kind of guy, perhaps he's a shadow of his former self?

You say you don't ass kiss but some people don't realise they're doing it, imagine a scenario if your GF asks you what she thinks of her dress, do you open up tell her it looks terrible or do you kiss ass and tell her it looks lovely? You might be thinking the dress looks terrible, but you wouldn't want to hurt that persons feelings for the sake of a dress, would you?

Okay, I'm not saying kiss ass all the time, you have to stand up for yourself. Back to my first example, in the workplace, you can refuse to do "x" thing for your boss which might entail in losing your job, house, money, feeding your family etc for the sakes of not kissing ass. Even these macho guys, I'm sure they've done it.

Edit: Like you said, I know it's hardly an excuse, and have you tried posting this elsewhere on this forum? People could benefit from reading your post man. That's not sarcasm btw.

"im beautiful your not" - me
"you're* " - you



The people in this thread got it wrong: DOUG reviewed AVGN: the movie, not Nostalgia Critic. Doug likes to seperate these two entities for a reason.

NC and AVGN have a rivalry going on, and it would be a hilarious to have a NC episode where he reviews this.


Didn't they end their "rivalry" years ago with the joint review of that TMNT concert DVD?


They are friends and he wouldn't admit if he didn't like it anyway.


I think because they are friends Doug just said it was a great movie to help him. But you can see that he didn't mean it what he told.


The moment it was finished I was predicting that this would be the next dvd exclusive nostalgia critic review. After all the last was a cinema snob one.


I'm sure he'll do it once the DVD/Blue-ray is out. Reviewing as Doug doesn't count by the way. He was reviewing as a real person to support James who is his friend. NC, who, BTW, is a fictional character no more realistic than Ninja Turtles, will be bashing the adventure of AVGN because they're nemesis, but all the same time helping to promote it.
