For fans. Not for not fans.

I'll try not to give anything away here. My summation is my title. If you're a fan of the channel, like I am, this is great fun. That's not to say the movie is great, it's just to say that, especially with a few beers in you and a decent knowledge of AVGN episodes, there's enough here to keep you entertained and chuckling through the nearly 2 hour runtime.

As others have said, it is a love letter to fans. So fans should check it out, pay for it please, and enjoy. You will enjoy it. It's filled to the brim with references and cameos and there's also some things in here that defy convention in the storytelling department. It's good stuff if you know and like what you're getting in to. I can only imagine what a person who is new to AVGN would think, though. I'd imagine their reaction would not be positive because it simply was not made for them. Great for the fans, not a smart idea in terms of marketing. But in the end, it's a love letter to fans. A big THANK YOU for the support. And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank James for his effort.

The best part is easily Bear McCreaery's sound track. It might slip right by you if you don't listen for it, but when it kicks in and you pay attention you will realize what a true talent this guy is. And how cool is it that he did this? He's not exactly an unknown. He did this out of passion, clearly. And that's *beep* awesome.

The story is fun and entertaining (again, for 2 hours. That's quite an accomplishment). That's about it. It's nothing amazing, but it satiates what we've wanted. Would producing more AVGN episodes have been better than this movie? IMO, yes, but I respect the chance James took here and while it didn't totally pay off, it basically broke even.

Now for the negative:

This movie relies heavily on the "intentionally bad" miniature and puppet effects. It was very funny at times, but I believe the low production value outside of the intentional really took away from the impact of these sight gags. Many of the shots were out of focus. So many, in fact, I'd say it was at least one per scene. And it just had a youtube look, despite the aspect ratio. I didn't expect PTA 70mm The Master here, but it wasn't a huge step up from the latest AVGN episodes. At least those were entirely in focus. This theme of low budget, rushed film making rang true throughout the movie, from the acting to the script to the cinematography. Which is not to say these things make the movie itself bad, but they did take away from the impact of the "intentionally bad", which was something that occurred quite often. Often enough, at least, to make it the biggest negative IMO. Those gags would have been much funnier had the rest of the movie not felt like a struggle to appear well made/produced.

In summation:

If you're a fan, please pay up the small fee instead of torrenting it and watch the movie. It's worth it. There's some good stuff here. You can practically hear James and co. screaming at you "we did this for you!" through the screen. If you're not a fan, watch some episodes on youtube and maybe you'll get into it and then watch the movie. If you don't find the youtube episodes funny, I doubt you'll find this funny and will likely hate it.

Thanks, James, for your years and years of entertainment. Please keep it up! Fans of AVGN are true fans and will remain loyal no matter what. While this is nowhere near a masterpiece, it is a love letter to us, the fans, and a great way (if you're a fan) to spend two hours.


Considering he only had $325k to play with it was pretty good in some parts.

Of course that is comparing it to these now $100 million plus budget movies.

As well, he prefers practical means for effects vs cgi. After all he is a huge fan of the old monster movies.


Honestly, in terms of production value, I was very impressed with what James accomplished. The movie could have looked a lot worse. See the Channel Awesome anniversary films to know what I mean, as the AVGN Movie could have easily been made like that.


Best part was the reference to the end of TMNT 3. The 'implosion' death.


I couldn't agree more. Very well put.


Pretty much agree. You might get some of the scenes parodying vintage video games or low budget science fiction and horror movies, but if you do and you spend much time online, chances are pretty good you've already come across the AVGN on the internet somewhere and already are a fan.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen
I am the walrus, googoo goo joob goo goo goo goo joob-J Lennon



I've probably only seen one or two and those I don't really remember. It kept me entertained, bad special fx were so obvious that they didn't really detract. Was a little long maybe? Could have done without the Atari monster.

I give it 5/10 (watchable and maybe again) but if I was a fan I'm sure I'd give it higher.


@Kermode, since this movie isn't in cinema and isn't featuring 50 Cent I don't think it's going to attract non-fans as the Bluray/DVD will be there for only fans to purchase. I guess the only way non-fans (not haters, just people who aren't aware of his work) to see it is if they are friend or family member of someone who is watching it in same room


I think fans might actually dislike this more...actors/characters that we've never seen in prominent roles, while actors/characters that we do know have only brief cameos. James doesn't actually review anything until the very end.


Yes, the movie is definitely for the fans.. because fans of the series love Coop and Mandy and sergeant MacButter. Not to forget the Angry Video Game Nerd being all tame and friendly and filled with love and care for his fans.

Seriously, for someone who just enjoyed AVGN for his game reviews, the movie could not be more NOT for him.


I think non-fans could enjoy it, if they're into the film's sense of humor and tone.


I think non-fans could enjoy it, if they're into the film's sense of humor and tone.


I don't know if Fans of the Nerd should like this. The way they're portrayed, I thought was pretty damn insulting. They are NOT depicted in a positive light...unless you consider being portrayed as mindless starstruck idiots who love literally everything their idol craps out and constantly badger him into doing what they want him to do as 'positive'.

I honestly half expected the fanboys in the movie to beg the Nerd to fart so that they could have the honor of smelling it.

I hope that the next time you guys are standing in line at MAGFest with all the other mouth-breathing, hygenically-challenged land whales cosplaying as Linkara waiting for the chance to have James Rolfe autograph your homemade stuffed *beep* Pickle that you think back to how you were portrayed in Rolfe's Magnum Opus and consider long and hard what you and your undying loyalty actually means to him.


I've been a fan from the beginning and I hated it. It just wasn't funny.


The film was and is not for the fans. The film is for James who wanted a chance to create his first feature film. We knew having 12 more eps would be better but we donated anyway.


I don't get how anyone can say that this movie was made for his fans. The AVGN character is nothing like what he is like in the youtube videos. The story is complete non-sense made out of a world that the AVGN would of never existed in. The jokes are 100% unfunny and unrelated to the AVGN series. It is just a giant pile of dick pickling dog *beep*
