Yancy Butler-

Yancy Butler;

Good to see her acting again.
I first noted her in Witchblade. She looked good in that series.
Not a bad actress.
I was wondering if she would come back after hearing about her troubles and her losing so much weight, as if she really needed to.
It is unfortunate that actresses feel that they have to look like holocaust victims to be able to work in the industry. Then get boob jobs. They look unreal, boys bodies that are top heavy.
Personally I find

I did notice she had long sleeves on during the movie.
Personally I find find that very unattractive. A little meat on them there bones with a nice ass to match the boobs, now that is sexy.

Life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life?.
So forget all that you see.
It's not reality, it's just a fantasy.

Aldo Nova
Rock Lobster
