MovieChat Forums > Harrigan (2013) Discussion > 3 day week and selling stolen motorcycle...

3 day week and selling stolen motorcycle parts.

I have not watched all of this film yet but am compelled to comment on the two points above. The 3 day week caused by the shortage of power did indeed create a spooky atmosphere in the UK, shoplifting was rife amongst the teenagers I went to school with when the power went off. The schools would empty out and the bad lads would hit the shops before the owners/managers decided better and closed them. There was no credit card mag-stripe terminals then, all plastic was done with paper impression counterfoils, what there was of plastic anyway so candles and butane gas lamps lit the way for shoppers. Many shops stayed open to be pilfered from by youths and adults.
Selling stolen motorcycle parts is mentioned, it might sound trivial but in the city of Salford it was big business to a family that owned a prominent motorcycle shop near what is now called Albion Way. It was joked that you could buy your own bike back from them in pieces if it went missing (stolen). The family went to trial and served some time between the key members.
I think to make a period crime drama on the cheap using the industrial unrest and blackouts of the early 70`s is a brilliant production device, easy to light and not having to include sweeping period details and their attendant expense.


Agreed, some excellent points and a very interesting post.
