WTF am I watching.

I was going to make a long post on why I didn't like the movie, but *beep* it.

I'll just have people post replies, insulting me on why I didn't understand it, and why I should of liked it. Hopefully I'll find an answer of WTF I just wasted an hour and a half of my life on.



I feel like people will either love it or hate it. I loved it, but I'm a big fan of Heidecker's work and anti-humour. I found the film to be a scarily accurate representation of a group of society, a group of privileged, wealthy children, with nowhere to go and nothing to do.


are you in high school? I refuse to believe an adult would be confused by this film. dislike it? reasonable, but what is there to be confused about?


Like one of the posters mentioned, he/she is familiar with the group of people this movie followed. I know these people as *beep* and that's part of the reasons why I didn't like it.

I personally hate when movies make the *beep* bags in movies out to be the cool guys. "Hey, you know what would be funny. Let's get a group of friends to make fun of one guy and belittle him/her" THIS WAS THE WHOLE PREMISE OF THE MOVIE. If this is where comedy is going, I'm going to start hating comedies.

I'm all for good acting, but there was no acting in this movie. This was a improv movie about nothing. I'm a newer fan of Tim and Eric, only knew them since their TV show back in '07. I Never went to any of their live shows, but I'm a huge fan of their work. Loved all of the seasons of T&E, Eric's directing work, and Tim acting as a stand up comedian who bombs is one of my favorites. I wasn't expecting this movie to be a T&E type of comedy, but It was really disappointing.


You werent supposed to like them and think they were "cool". They were horrible people and there was absolutely no character growth from the first shot to the last. You arent meant to like the character just because he's the main character.


This wasn't a comedy, it was a drama, and you were not supposed to like the characters.


Most people didn't like the characters or th movie. Probably why it only maid $6000 on 1 screen. This should have been made more like a documentary then an actual film. I understand what they were trying to do, but it wasn't done in a way that would be entertaining.


I would like to make one point, and that is that this is NOT a 'Tim & Eric movie', it's a film in which they appear. They could well have had some input, and I'm sure they accepted the roles due to having an interest in the project, but they didn't make this film, and if you're strictly looking for a Tim & Eric product, you won't find it here.


Personally, I've never come in contact with the sort of people this film depicted. Men and women in their late 30s and 40s, overeating, drinking to excess, acting like 12 year olds and generally being horrible people. They may have well been martians as far as I could see. I kept trying to decipher what sort of message it was trying to send, but I truly couldn't find any. Do the people who liked this movie come in contact with the kind of people in this film, and that's why they liked it and could identify with it? I was truly baffled. I'm a huge fan of Tim & Eric too, and thought their Billion Dollar movie was one of the best films of that year. I understand The Comedy was meant as a completely different film, but still - WTF indeed.


Me neither, but I can see where people like this would exist. Because while I don't know a lot of 30-40 year old rich hipsters, I know a lot of grown-a$$ people who still feel very entitled to freeload. They still live at home... or even if they DO work, they put in the bare minimum while they're there, and just spend all their free time out with their friends on motorcycles or blowing their money in a bar.

Take away the money, the wiffle ball, the bicycles (LOL), and the Manhattan skyline... and these guys in the movie are essentially just a bunch of bums.

I'm sure lower-class bums we all know would be just like these guys if they had money. Only difference is, just like these guys, they wouldn't have a job.

One thing I don't understand about this movie though - that guy at the beginning who said he was orphaned and his parents were dead. How did he get in with these rich guys? Was he eventually adopted by socialites?
That part may have just been improv on part of the actor that didn't go anywhere. LOL


I want to have a discussion with you sir or ma'am...have you ever met anyone who is homeless? Like actually known them? That term bum is so derogatory and belittling to an entire class of people...the way you make out people who don't work to be in your post is doing the very same thing the main character did in this movie with his false sense of superiority like the way he saw all "the tough black guys in the hood" at the bar or the way he treated the Indian cab driver...Just because some people have different viewpoints in life than you does not mean they are some hipster freeloader, what the hell does working have to do with the maturity of someone or the way they treat other people?


I'm 37 and drink to excess. I do have a job and own my home, but I also like to make fun of my coworkers.


It's a very love it or hate it type movie, either you are the type of person who cannot stand movies all about unlikeable characters or you are the type that is still interested in them and find something that is perturbing to you an opportunity to learn another person's angle who you don't have familiarity with...I'm guessing the reason you hated the movie is Because you understood it...I enjoyed this movie, but if you didn't like it and want to try something somewhat similar I recommend "The Dark Horse" by Todd Solondz
