Amazing film

wow! This movie hit me hard in too many places all at once. I myself currently have a stripper girlfriend and perhaps that's why it hit me so much but what I found most interesting was how every relationship aspect was so relatable for me. Even the side relationship between his friend who becomes obsessed with his new found girlfriend reminded me so much of exactly what me and my girl have been through. Even aspects of Rachael were totally real to me (unfortunately, hey nothings perfect ;p ), but I had to post to say how great I felt this film was.

It says so much about relationships in general and how people begin to use one another, cheat on one another and ultimately learn to move on, make things work or find a new way to be. Amazing film! I suppose I may not have related to it half as much if I wasn't dating a dancer, but nonetheless, super fun flick with a lot to say. Perhaps the people that hate it just haven't really lived, or ever been in a relationship, or been through any of this...or...something. lol /shrug :)
