This movie seems confusing me

Why were those two a couple to begin with?


Seemed to me that they were best friends, he was in romantic love with her. She reached a low point in her life and tried to use her relationship with him to fill her life. She probably even convinced herself her friend love was romantic. I've seen it happen in real life

Fact: 87.3% of IMDB users belong to the secret society of cynics.


Movies seldom if ever show a good reason for people developing feelings. They show people behave as if they have feelings for each other but they just don't show how the feelings develop. The world needs movies that really show the development of romantic feelings.


I think the porn industry has that covered. You see a chic you want to *beep*, there's ya feelings. Romantic love is an invention to trap people into marriage before sex. Now that people just go around *beep* each other there is no need for marriage.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


It is very unfortunate that you think that. There is a very different lifestyle that is entirely possible that many people would enthusiastically embrace but people such as you are totally unaware of it. That is the problem I am describing but unfortunately you cannot understand.


I'm no romance expert despite my age, but this movie hit me as a depiction of love. They cared about each other as people. They connected deeply, not just in that superficial sense of attraction/lust. What each had was of tremendous value to the other. His behaviour while flailing with Rachel was painful to watch, in contrast. Almost too much. So, 9 years later, I'm asking if you think this showed those feelings developing. I think it did. They stepped out of their usual roles and lucked into something and were open to it and present in it.
