White people problems

This movie is the same as every other Halmark movie, which means its nothing but rich white people having rich white people problems


So no chance of ever seeing it on BTN then? Oh that's right they don't show white people on that network,rich or otherwise.


Amazing how people can inset race into everything. Wow!


I guess I can understand the backlash and irritation when people are confronted with a racial question or observation. It is also telling that some people refuse to see race in anything and treat the subject as if it is toxic to discuss or acknowledge.


It is also telling that some people refuse to see race in anything and treat the subject as if it is toxic to discuss or acknowledge.

As a black man, I've seen my share of racism on both sides. But I'd rather deal with a person who refuses to see race in anything rather than one who sees it where it doesn't exist. The former may be obnoxious, but the latter is downright dangerous. Nothing does more harm to race relations than white folk who are chock full of white guilt.

For the rest of you, ignore the OP. Clearly a troll and should be on everyone's ignore list.

It is bad to drink Jobus rum. Very bad.


You are more than 100% correct. Racism of any stripe is lazy thinking and damaging. And trolls should definitely NOT be fed because then they tend to hang around. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas because you definitely have the spirit!





Racist troll
