On HBO...

I just watched the this documentary on HBO this afternoon....I don't have any Catholic friends that I can ask questions or talk to...what is the catholic lay opinion of this terrible crime?


US male, 46 years old, Eagle Scout, victim of sex abuse at age 13-14, not by Catholic clergy but by Boys Scout leader. My life was shattered by sex abuse. This documentary is very relevant to my life. I have done the best I can with a lot of support from family, friends and community, but am damaged.

My family is Catholic back seven generations to France and Germany. Any formal religious training I had was in the Methodist church but I know many Catholics on both sides of family. Though not a Catholic myself, I occasionally go to mass with family members who are. Those I've come into contact with are horrified by the sex abuse scandal and have asked for accountability from church leadership. According to the film the US Catholic clergy sought recognition of the problem from Vatican leadership were largely denied.

This problem extends far beyond the Catholic church so it cannot be laid solely at the feet of the Catholic church (no pun intended). Many other organizations that serve children have harbored pedophiles.

Anyone who abuses or neglects his fellow man or animal does not deserve the right to live out their old age in peace until they have paid for their crimes. They deserve the same torment that they have visited upon their victims. Regrettably, the statute of limitations usually expires before the victim grows to the age where they can initiate a criminal investigation against their perpetrator. Seeing the pedophiles in this film die off peacefully without accountability makes my blood boil.

I am very hopeful seeing the deaf community in the film in the US and Italy rally against the pedophiles and those that harbor them. It gives me hope that justice will one day prevail.

We are only as sick as our secrets. Go in peace.


I recently saw an Australian military guy talk about sexual assault in the military. He was visibly angry but spoke with clarity and conviction about stopping it. This line jumped out at me, and I think it's relevant here~
"The standard you walk past is the standard you accept."
People who claim to speak, act, and work for god should do better. What they've done is pure evil.

"I'm filled with Scotch, bitterness, and impure thoughts!"


It ranges from confusion to outrage. It's their kids and grandkids who are being molested. The American Catholic Church is not all that attached to Rome, and I see it splitting off at some time in the future.
But I'm one of the Americans who thinks all pedophiles should be in prison for the rest of their lives. Then after that, eternal damnation.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


But I'm one of the Americans who thinks all pedophiles should be in prison for the rest of their lives. Then after that, eternal damnation.

Hopefully all the church-goers who have fed money into this organization that molests children will also burn for all eternity. These children would have led normal lives if it were not for the Catholics who gave money (power) to this "Church" in the first place.
