The language

You can tell the filmmakers were extra focused on ensuring an R rating. With the exception of a couple of instances, the f word is the only expletive these characters use. They barely bothered to throw in any other swear word, lol.


Yeah, besides the f bombs this movie could have easily been pg-13. Not sure why they want to make it R because most of their fan base I'm assuming is under 17..



On the other hand, the first one was an R. I guess they wanted to keep the trend going with each sequel. Especially this being a horror franchise. The budgets are so low, it doesn't have a huge effect on the box office.


I've seen people who actually refuse to watch PG-13 horror movies. They think they're less hardcore and frequently call them "watered down kids movies" or "horror for sissies." I think that's silly myself but I've lost count of how many horror fans I've heard say that. I think good horror is good horror no matter what it's rated. But perhaps they didn't want other people to think the series lost it's edge if this was the only one mot rated-R.


I agree.


Yeah, the Paranormal Activity movies are actually less intense than most PG-13 horror. The R-rating makes the series seem a little more legit, I guess.


This is like a Joe Dante-esque kids supernatural/adventure tale with f words.
