Why no Korea in HD?

Forgotten war apparently remains so.


What's Korea?

I could care less, but I don’t care enough to bother.


I'd actually like a Cold War in HD. Then it should cover all the basics : Korea, Suez, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missle Crisis, Vietnam, Lebanon, Grenada, fall of the Berlin Wall, and so on.


Like you said, it's not called the 'Forgotten War' for nothing.

But now that you mention it, I do wish this conflict received more historical attention from the media.

Then again, the war DID end in a tie and after the first year, the war just see-sawed back and forth across the 38th Parallel for the next two years as everyone was negotiating the ceasefire.

When the stars are the only things we share
Will you be there?

-Benjamin Francis Leftwich


Actually, there is at least one current documentary produced some 5 years ago during the time Air Aces and the other fighter jet and tank battle shows came out. Complete with the same graphics, maps, timelines, etc... it is very good. Sorry don't remember the title.


A sig is like the turd that won't flush.
