The ending (spoilers)

so i quite liked the film. Felt it kept my attention for the most part and i really couldnt predict where it was going. I find myself lost however with the ending.any help?


Heard something about the ending...what happens ???


What didn't you get about the ending? - Horror Forum!


Ok so spoilers obv

the mother finds the bodies of the two kids, drugs what we think are the two imposters in the house shows the husband he kills her?but she is back in the car again.

is it that:

the mother killed the kids and she is possessed
when people die in the cave they come back to life


The mother shows him the kids in the cave (who are the real kids) he thinks that she has killed them because he already thinks she is going crazy... he kills her & kills himself... when they are in the car they are no longer alive they are possessed, in fact possessed is the wrong word, they are different completely because their bodies would still be on the hill. - Horror Forum!


ah right lol ok i was trying to complicate it more than what it actually was. thank you for this!


So I got that part, but what I don't get is: What is the point of a family of zombies? I think the story was clear to me til the ending about the first girl who was brutalized, but then the men looked nothing alike, and now we have the brother and sister, who besides from being spooky and incestuous, don't really do anything, and now we add their parents to that?

Oh, and I guess I see a contradiction with the first part, where when the guy dies from his wounds, he was alive? But the others were dead already. Sorry, I wish there were more discussions here. I only watched it once through and sometimes pick up more when watching a second time.


I have only seen it once & some things are open to interpretation but I will try and clear some stuff up for you.

Firstly the kids & the parents & that guy at the start are not zombies, what happens is the hill preys on certain people (I think the guy in the shop talks about this) preys on people with lets say "issues" like serial killer, incestuous children, murdered woman, suicide from the dad... The guy who died in the beginning its safe to assume was already dead on the hill because his face was all demonic, so there is no contradiction there.

These demon people are just a doppelganger of the real people who are dead.

The film caught me off guard as well though & I need to re-watch it because I missed if there was a reason behind the incest also I might have missed a few details on what the demonic force was.

The film is very sexually charged as well so there must be a reason for this but like I said I have only seen it once so need to re-watch and have a think about it in more depth.

Hopefully some more people jump in on discussing this film - Horror Forum!


Thanks! Yea, I agree very sexually charged right from the beginning, but it seemed to fit for some reason. Lot of shower scenes and nudity, but for some reason, it didn't strike me as gratuitous, and I'm not sure why.

I mean, I loved the story for some reason, and was pretty riveted (although subtitles do that to me as I can't get distracted or I'll miss a lot), but I thought it was unique. The cop though, IMO, way over-acted. ;)

I guess an argument could be made that if you do "bad" things, the devil will get you, but that seems too simplistic.

I'd say it's definitely worth a 2nd watch, I'll try to do that today if I can.


I liked a lot and I would like to discuss more too, I'll stay tuned

Something can say something about that bruises on the body of the wife (in the shower more in the beggining and in her hand, close to the end)?

That "attack" from the kids (when the doppelgangers were asleep) with they looking like dirty corpses, what just a delusion of the mother?



I wondered about that bruise on the wife, seen while she is in the shower. The implication is that the husband did it... but I didn't see him hit her in the fight just before that.
Her hand, near the end, I took to be from her hitting the corpse kids or falling as she fled the house. I don't think it was a delusion... it was the 'evil spirits' made manifest. You hear them screaming a bit later as they can't wake the drugged bodies and the gas is leaking out to kill them.
In part I think the confusion stems from the spirits/entities/beings not following familiar genre tropes, at least not for U.S. audiences. They're not zombies or vampires or ghosts. They remind me of bizarre South American UFO stories I've read... which don't involve little green men and seem intermixed with the Spiritualism that has a strong influence in South America but is almost unknown in the North.
The closest thing I've seen in a Hollywood film are the strange phantoms in Nomads. Spirit beings that take on a fleshly form and cause trouble.
It's a good movie, though obviously not for everyone.


I guess I know what you talking about...I live in South America. Good thinking, I did not remember this...


I think the bruises were also there to show the wife was "still" the real wife. I need to rewatch this!

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


I don't think the kids were incestous. There's no evidence they were like that before their deaths. I think it was the "evil" doppelgangers that were into the sex with each other. If you think about it and acknowledge that incest is, in some places, "evil" (and just disgusting in others), it makes sense that the "evil" doppelgangers would do that. And, based on what the doctor said the day after they came back, sounds like they started having sex with each other as soon as they were materialized.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


I would have to watch it again but am pretty sure that the reason they went into the mountain to "play" with each other in fact yea am 100% sure because it shows you when the mother in in the cave having flashbacks/visions the lad takes his t-shirt off & she takes her knickers off although I think the lad might have been going to rape her or something because when he takes his top off she moves away falls hits her head & its the reason the both fall.


He's younger than she is and she just got her period. If there were incestious, the only thing they would have been capable of is rubbing against each other.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


What because he is younger & she just got her period they couldn't be incestuous... "they would have only been capable of rubbing against each other" ... have you never slept with a girl who has been on the rag?

And even if they were just rubbing each other it would still be as messed up as if they were actually full on banging each other... Do you rub your sister? -


I just love how the guy fell totally silent after your comment :D

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LoL! I don't usually make trollish posts but his comment kinda made me laugh so couldn't resist.


And right you are.
saw it comming from a mile away but still liked the movie


From watching it once , so possibly missed a bit

Something about the cave/hill creates a "copy" of you when you die except you come back "evil" or "bad"

The kids die in the cave and are "copied".

The rest of the film happens.

The ending : the woman kills the two "copies" of the children at home , first she drugs them and then she turns the gas on so they will die in their "sleep" ,she leaves and phones her husband to meet her at the hill so that she can show him the childrens "original" dead bodies so that she can prove to him that the children are dead and the ones at home ( which she has gassed ) are "copies" , the husband sees the dead children and thinks that she has killed them , he shoots her in the head and then shoots himself.

You now see the "copies" of the husband and wife get in the car and drive off , you know that they are "copies" as the mans driving points directly to how the boy was driving when the father was teaching him earlier on ( ie stop start stop start ) he has lost his memory of how to drive.


I'm so glad I wasn't the only person who watched this movie and then came here to find some answers about the ending. The only other Spanish subtitled movie I have ever seen is The Orphanage (even though I'm half Mexican I don't speak the language) and that movie also had me going, "What?" at the end. I have to admit that I was pretty confused at the end of this movie. I think each country/region/language, whatever, has a different idea of what's scary, funny, suspenseful and sexy. I know this is horror but it's also suspense. And all I picked up one was the horror. Although this movie was pretty good, I think watching it once is enough for me. Except maybe the beginning. That's what really got my attention. Also seeing Marcia naked didn't hurt one bit. And this whole thing with people dying and "copies" coming back reminds me of American Horror Story season 1. When someone would die in that house, or on the land around it, they're body would be there and dead but a "copy" of them would come back.


Wow, really? Both Here Comes the Devil and The Orphanage were not hard to figure out what was going all.


It really seemed to me like the husband became possessed after seeing the kids bodies, and THAT was why he shot the wife, to keep the "secret" of the cave. The gas station attendant said the hills prey on weak people. The way the scene was shot, with the sounds and his face and reaction, I really took that as him becoming "possessed", then killing her and himself.

Could be wrong though I guess


Yep thats what i got too. After he saw his dead kids there were weird noises and his face changed. He was possessed then killed his wife and himself.


He wasn't possessed at all - he was just incredibly angry because he thought the wife killed his children

You see how he stares at her bruises on her hands in the car, when she says "The kids are fine" and starts having serious doubts about what his wife did

When he sees the corpses he think she just killed them, so he shoots her and then shoots himself

Total dude incapable of dealing with reality

There was no possession

When they get back to the car at the end they are both "replacements" - like every person who dies in the cave

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Agreed. He was possessed when he shot her


Is anyone capable of paying attention any more? When the kids first when up the hill to the cave, they went from a simple safety hand holding to lacing their fingers implying more intimacy. The camera then cuts to the mother who has noticed this with a questionable if not concerned look on her face. The guy in the store whose daughter was a attacked by the serial killer explained that whatever force was in the cave preyed on people who had weak spirits, souls or whatever. This of course would be not fully developed children's spirit, and the weak non believing husband. The mother never succumbed to the force even though she had been in the cave several times because of her strong spirit and beliefs until she was killed by the dad.


Yeah, I enjoyed the unpredictability, because for much of the movie, I felt like it gave a Rosemary's Baby vibe, ie leaving open to interpretation. Because what I got from the movie was that the husband killed his wife, and then he got killed off-screen, and then they were both replaced like the kids and then left to go home and be a creepy possessed family together. I thought a cooler ending would have gotten to the same conclusion, but taken another route. As soon as he saw the blood on her hands, I knew he'd end up killing her. After that, I thought it would've been cool if in distress, he went back home, and then he meets the fake children, and then the new fake mom walks in behind him, having followed. And then it would end as the truth slowly dawns on him.


Truthfully dude that's probably a better ending than the actual ending of the film

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Yeah, that ending is beautifully sick .

"Oh... I'm not afraid."
-Pamela Vorhees


After the kids dissappeared and came back, it was not the kids that came back, but shapeshifting demons (in lack of better words).

The kids had died in the cave before (like the mother saw them die and lay there after she went to check it out) and whenever someone dies in the cave a demon is earthbound in the shape of the deceased.

The mother realised this and therefor had them set up to be killed in their apartment.

And in the end the mother takes the father to the cave and sees the children laying there he automatically thinks that the mother has gone crazy and killed their kids, cause he doesn't know what the mother knows, and decides to kill her and himself.

That's why when they both come back to the car in the end the mothers head has not got a bullethole in it and the father is struggling to drive his car because demons can't drive lol.

Check out Fresh Nugs, wheezin' the juice...


So I had a somewhat different opinion of the ending here than others did.

I felt like at the end, the father noticing that the children in the cave were dead was so overwhelmed with emotion that he realized he wouldn't be able to carry on without his family.

He felt guilt because the wife had told him that he was never involved in the children's lives and he felt he had failed as a father. I don't think he blamed the wife for the children being dead but instead blamed himself. He shot her and then he shot himself so that the family could all be reunited together even if it meant it had to happen through death.

The realization that he would leave the cave a shell of himself (through either accepting that his family was dead and having to carry on with the burden of the guilt as a human being) or by being possessed and being a shell of a human being anyway as a demon meant he had to decide which path to take.

So in the last shot when the car is being driven like it was by the son who was possessed during his driving lesson shows that the family was now together in a grave in the cave together.

Maybe I am giving this film too much credit but that's what I thought the director was going for with the ending
