MovieChat Forums > Spectral (2016) Discussion > Traditional sci-fi and a fine effort, bu...

Traditional sci-fi and a fine effort, but plagairism nonetheless

Dummy scriptwriters probably thought they could pass it off as original by combining plots and narrative even entire scenes lifted from other movies.


If you think ANY book, story, play, or movie written in the last 50 - NO - make that 100 years is TOTALLY original - you are a fool.

Fiction builds on itself using elements from old stories - I read every Greek, Roman, Celtic, etc. myths I could find when I was a teen. Even the ugly(NSFW) stuff like Caligula - and I see elements from those stories in nearly EVERY fiction story I read.

Simply put - ALL writers(except maybe biographical and technical) consciously or unconsciously use elements from stories they have read, seen, or heard in the past when writing. The way or manner in how they tell their story is different, but the little parts - I see them all the time. If you look for it, you'll see them too.


There's a huge difference between general ideas and specific details lifted directly from other work. You can take elements of former stories and present a creative spin on them, or you can lazily duplicate what others have done. It's not hard to tell the difference. Stop pretending there isn't one.


Just to clarify - Caligula was neither myth nor fiction.


How about you name some?


Final Fantasy and Aliens are the most obvious examples. There are even threads on this. It is very very easy to see when writers/directors plagiarise and this film is a clear cut example of plagiarism.



Hey DUMBASS!! NOWHERE in my posts have I stated anything is original! Most sci fi fans know ALIENS is based on starship troopers, written in '59.

My thread is specifically about SPECTRAL plagiarising entire scenes from other films and I have given two examples.

Quit falsifying my statements dumbass!!



The guy is clearly a moron, so engaging is ill advised.




You do not understand basic English! Learn the different pronouns and try and understand what is a statement of fact from opinion, as well as accusatory jibes like "thought they could pass it off as original," meaning this is my accusation against the filmmakers plagiarising scenes and passing it off as original.

So I'll ask you again dumbass where in my post have I claimed anything is original?


'Aliens' owes as much to Heinlein's book as Verhoeven's adaptation of it does... which means very, very little.


What works of fiction, specifically, did this films writers plagiarize? I doubt you actually understand what the term means, however, based on the content of your post. "Ripping off scenes" doesn't equal plagiarism.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


"Ripping off scenes" doesn't equal plagiarism"

You sure do sound like the world authority on the definition of plagiarism.


Infinitely more so than you. Plagiarism has a very clear definition, and unless you can show otherwise, this movie isn't plagiarizing any other works. How about you support the claim you made in your OP and actually provide some evidence of the supposed plagiarism?

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Start with the titles and names. Or - in other words, put up or shut up.


From that point of view, everything is plagiarism.

Movies, you say? US cinema was born in the first half of XX century under the massive inflow and influence of movies from Soviet Union: Vertov, Eisenstain, Kuleshov, Pudovkin, you name it. American movies is like American science or technology: if you dig deep enough you will find where and when exactly it was copied from Russians.

This, nevertheless, does not prevent us from enjoying modern movies. Literature was effectively "done" after Dostoevsky, but we still write and read books. Just don't dig...



Wow! So you would you make a film that wasn't original despite it being surefire way of losing money?

Wow, just *beep* wow!!!

Education is a good thing dumbass, most can survive without it so they don't need it, but believe me when I say in your case it is VITAL. Don't bother replying you're on my ignore list.



Next up'll be the sock account.


Well whoever made this movie, must have been a huge fan of; The Darkest Hour (2011). Many similarities, especially when you talk about the setup of certain scenes. Or when you mention the details/backstory of the sentient beings.
