A few ?'s

First off, I enjoyed this movie. Stumbling on something like this on NETFLIX as opposed to paying for it at the theaters put it in a whole new light. Plus Aliens is my favorite movie and Final Fantasy was ok, so having it bite off them made it feel easy to get in to.

1. When the tanks showed up, they had a searchlight, but none of those guys knew anything about using iron pellets to fight them. If our hero explained to them about the light, why wouldn't he tell them about the iron pellets and their improvised grenades?

2. So they can't go through ceramic, but they can knock the hell out of an Abrams tank? Couldn't they knock a ceramic tub off of some guy hiding from them or come up through the floor?

3. Where did the Asian Delta Squad come from? He just sort of showed up and didn't seem shell shocked or too bad off.

4. Was communication totally knocked out? Did the general say they couldn't get any word out when the base was overrun?

5. Did it not seem silly that the one condensate the two soldiers were fighting when they got separated from the CIA agent and the scientist was so hard to hit when topside they were splashing them left and right?

6. I did not like the whole "dilemma" of him unplugging the brains (and them turning to dust) at the end. Seemed so contrived. They should've just left it with him unplugging all the conduits and the giant circuit breaker.


1. No excuse, just a glaring pothole.

2. Yea, I think it could have knocked the tub over, but it probably shielded him from their sight. I think the Condensate's goal was to eliminate the light source and showcases it's power.

3. Probably an irresponsibly cut scene explaining his whereabouts.

I forgot the rest of the points, but I think it's easier for them to hit condensates on an open field whereas the single one was hopping abnormal vectors.

My question is where the hell did they get that armor and those helmets? I missed that part.


1 - yes, small plot hole. maybe they had no iron filings where they were?

2 - they can;t pass through ceramic but the tanks had ceramic armour - so the force of movement went into knocking the hell out of the tank, which they KNEW had the "enemy" in (from the lights)

As for "tub guy" - if you hide before being seen they don't know to look for you.

3 - Maybe more than one Delta squad? Or poor editing?

4 - I took it as something to do with the spectrals themselves; but you're right, they should have added a little short segment to say "We've foudn the cause of the communications blackout, it's the hyperspectral entities, they're interfering with radio frequencies.

5 - film filler, really, just to pad it out with a little more action.
But it could be read as them doing a little parkour - the outside ones had nothing to jump on and bounce off... the inside one had lots of walls and boxes to parkour jump off.

6 - It smelled like an after-thought, they needed to explain why the film spectrals had awareness and intelligent responses.
The dilemma of ending them was non-existent... a dilemma only exists when you could have saved the person... these were just nerves and open brains!
Ending them was a mercy, not a dilemma.

As an aside - did others notice the sexy-chick CIA girl at the end - she wanted to keep them to study them and make an army, just as "the bad guys" did.

"It's bad if you do it... but good if we do it" - American morality.


1. Tanks went in to rescue squad. They didn't know the iron would do anything to them other than hold them back. The grenades were a shot in the dark. Tanks have iron in them. No time to improvise sabot rounds with iron filings.

2. They broke the glass as well. They can go through ceramic if they want to. They cannot pass through it, just move it if they like. They didn't know the dude was under it.

3. Asian guy was a radio operator who was in the radio truck (as he stated) and missed the action, never saw his squad again.

4. The "base was overrun" concept was flimsy. There would be no time for an airlift of components or people. Supposedly they evacuated the rest other than the 250 or so who stayed back, of which only 19 (a number used 2x in this film, once to guess at number of dead, one to describe number of living) survived. Communications to whom?

5. Topside they had a bridge, a straight line. Not much left to right movement and still many operators died. In an enclosed room like that the side to side movement would make it difficult to hit, unless you are Mac from Newsroom in which you just pop them cold in the head from the word go, because intel officers are deadly shots.

6. They went too far trying to explain Bose-Einstein condensate. It made it sound like steam was the culprit, but smart steam (to audiences who only understand condensate as steam). The technology used to concoct and use such a weapon would be a million years ahead of the gunpowder and lead projectile firing bullets and the old diesel driven tanks. I mean, you'd have to first create the condensate, which is mostly theoretical, and then be able to map the human mind, structure it atomically in a containment, control and sustain it in just a central nervous system/brain format that interfaces with condensate in such a way as to even appear human even though that basically defeats the purpose of being invisible in the 1st place. So yeah, deus ex machina was in full effect there.



Thanks for the replies.

You guys keep saying the Spectrals didnt know dude was under there...well he could have just as easily hid in a closet. The point by it being a tub was that it was cermaic and they couldn't get to him. So it had to know and tried but couldnt do it - otherwise our hero would not have made the connection.

My point about not having communications at the base was why couldnt they just call in an airstrike on the power station.

Not telling the resuce squad about iron fillings was not cool. They hsd no chance using conventional weapons and were slaughtered. He shouldve told them.



I see your point about the tub.
The whole point of that scene was to help the scientist realize that they couldn't get through ceramic.
But if they didn't know he was under there, it wouldn't have made a difference where he was hiding.
They had to KNOW he was there and not be able to get to them for it to make a difference.
My question is - when they got in the helicopter that took them to the refugee camp - they looked down on the city and saw the spectrals running around......but no one had any of the special goggles or lights that made them visible......what was up with that??
