How is it possible that this moive managed to get above a score of 4.0, yet Danielle Harris' other recently released movie 'Shiver' which had an actual plot, script, talented actors, suspense, etc. only got a 3.6 (currently)? I love Danielle but her 2 minutes of screen time aren't enough to save this movie. She gave one of her best performances ever in 'Shiver'. Obviously a lot more effort was put into that movie than this one. It's like the obviously small budget for this movie was used to supply the cast with drugs. I really wanted to like it for Danielle Harris, but a 4.1 is WAY too charitable and giving 'Shiver' a 3.6 is an injustice. Not only does 'Shiver' deserve a high because it's a good film on it's own, but it at the very least deserves a much higher score than this!
