I feel sick

I've never got motion sickness from a movie before. But I had to stop watching after 40 mins. I thought I would get used to it but the nausea just got worse & worse. Now I feel like throwing up.

If the film makers were here now I'd throw up on them. They could film it in POV and use the segment for the next V/H/S sequel.


Don't blame the filmmakers because you're a pu55y and couldn't handle it.



Ha ha ha ha.

Funny how he got motion sickness yet was probably just sitting on his couch.

Does IMDB hate apostrophes?


I suffer from vertigo and one of the 'stimulus' tests the doctors give you is watching shaky camera scenes along with roller coaster scenes, falling from tall buildings, etc. Makes me gag. Wheres the Dramamine! The test is actually to determine if the vertigo is related to a specific type of vision problem rather than position of the head.

Strangely actual shaky cam movies rarely affect me.

You don't have to know someone to know someone.


That has always been a criticism of the found footage genre, going all the way back to the Blair Witch Project. But these movies have been around long enough that you should know that's going to be an issue before you see it.


To be fair, the first part ("Tape 56") had the worst camera work of all the shorts in the movie imho. Upon a rewatch, I noticed just how terrible it truly was! I do have to agree with the others though in that I am surprised you made it 40 minutes into the film. After about 5 or 10, you should know what kind of movie this is and how it is going to be. Just be glad you didn't last until the credits; it has to be the most annoying, obnoxious credits I have ever seen in a film. Loud, metal music, frenetic camera work and repeating 1-second scenes over and over and over. It was almost as if they were deliberately trying to be a-holes to people with motion sickness issues or something, lol.
