
Just watched this and I have mixed opinions over this. First off, I admire the filmmakers for making these shorts very realistic. Videotape technology has always had that cynical, haunting aesthetic that digital HD recording technology doesn't have. Many of these felt real but I'm a bit concerned with the characters. I think they are re-using typical horror genre tropes but most of the characters in each of the films come off as sexual deviants. I guess it would make more sense for the Amateur Night segment but there's too many women in the movie getting their breasts exposed and a lot of sick violence. (This is coming from someone that enjoys a lot of violent movies). At this point, I felt the movie was trying to cater to horny audiences while using violence simply as shock value. I can't even handle horror movies well but I was able to sit through this without being scared.

I thought some of the segments were pretty good. Amateur Night was "meh" but I thought the closing scene with the kid up in the air looked really cool. I think the best one would probably be the Honeymoon one because it looked like a real snuff film and it seemed to be the only one without a supernatural element to it. However the problem with all of these tapes is that there is no real solid conclusion. When these tapes are discovered in the house that's been owned by the dead old man, what was the point of all of it? We don't know why he was watching all of this stuff. In the end, the man became some of sort of zombie-like creature. That was it.

This could have been great but I felt these shorts were just used to explore genre tropes in VHS form with boobs thrown into it.

I gave it a 5.


I didn't get that from this or the sequel. I think they all have there moments of nudity and such, but thats the point. I got more horror from this and even more from the sequel, than I have from all the crap released over the last 5 years or so. I have some exceptions but I think with the budgets abd time constraints they all did fantastic jobs. Some were more clever than I could've possibly imagined.


Very good assessments of this film's many faults and handful of strengths. I found this moderately interesting with a few moments of genuine inspiration, but not enough to make me give it more than a marginal thumbs up.

The filmmakers seemed to go out of their way to make the characters unlikable, to the extent that most of the vignettes range false. The performances were fairly weak, and the filmmakers seemed to compensate for this through editing and effects. I don't mind sexual content when it advances the narrative, but to me it distracted from the stories here. As for the violence, that seemed to be the point here.

I liked this slightly more than you, enough to give it 6/10 stars.
