Real criticisms of the film?

Okay, so I've briefly scrolled the reviews and message boards for this film and seen a lot of people throwing hate at it. You don't like the film. Fair enough.
But my problem is, a lot of the complaints I've heard are either nitpicks, or people missing parts of the movie and thinking it makes no sense, or others just being idiots ("oh this movie makes no sense cause they called the virus Simian flu").

I agree this movie is not perfect by any means. It's a Planet of the Apes movie, after all. But I think for what it is, it is really good. And as a long time fan of the series, I was very happy with what we got.

For those who weren't, can you give some not nitpicky reasons as to why you didn't like it?
I say non-nitpicky because if you're a fan of this franchise you have to get passed not everything making perfect sense. If you're not a fan of the franchise then fair enough. But for people who love the old movies, if you're gonna attack this movie for moronic things like "duh, they called it Simian flu but a person made it.." then I don't know how you can like any of the other films in this franchise.
