MovieChat Forums > Maniac (2013) Discussion > Had an extreme uncomfortable feeling aft...

Had an extreme uncomfortable feeling after the first 15 minutes...

that led throughout the rest of the movie...

After the first attack, I just had a constant thought of "this guy needs to get caught" ..didn't feel the slightest remorse when the guy washed his hands on him in the bathroom.

He should have spat on him, but that would of been a hate-crime/assault since he thought he was a homosexual. That's why I felt "If that guy only knew what Frank was up to on his spare time..."

I needed for Frank to get caught even after watching him stalk the first woman... Him walking around as a free man disgusted me.

Any thoughts?



Well thats a cold way to look at things. There's too many people who think Death is a honorable way to bow out if it has to do with someone murdering another person...I think its cowardly. They should live with the guilt and be tortured with the same amount of pain they caused the other. The imagery of them ripping him apart is what he should be tormented with forever...I hope it slits his soul slowly.


I felt no hatred towards Frank, and somewhat understood him seeing what he experienced in his childhood. He wasn't just walking around and killing homeless animals for laugh, his targets in a movie were a trashy women which don't endorse any sympathy from me. Anne and Rita are questionable to fall under "trashy" category, however, but still I didn't really like them both for some reason. There is just too much scum in a human society for me to really sincerely care about someone being killed or not. But that's just my unordinary point of view.

This guy is a contender for Frank 2: The Awakening.

"Homeless people are cool, don't touch them brah. BUT THOSE TRASHY WOMEN! UHHH. TAKE THEIR SCALPPPSSSS!"


I had an extreme uncomfortable feeling... of boredom... after the first 15 minutes, and pretty much throughout the rest of the movie.

Don't get what people like about this one.

There's only one instant, and it's right now. And it's eternity.

- Waking Life



Are we to assume that your existence is so full of virtues that make you more 'worthy' of life?


That idiot poster is probably one of these so-called 'sluts' himself. Pot calling kettle and all that...


Enjoy your visit from the FBI...


You shouldn't be walking the streets, man. I'm glad I don't know where you live because I would go out of my way to make sure your neighbors know that they have a psycho living amongst them.

You've also got a lot of nerve talking about others being immoral, you're sitting there endorsing senseless murder.


EDIT: I just did a search on you, you truly are sick dude. Every post I read it's "she's a SLUT!", you have issues. Don't bother replying to me because I won't be able to see it anyway.

Seek help.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."


There might be a lot of jerks in society and you might feel sometimes like most of them are better off dead... hopefully that is just your mind's way of telling you you are *way* too stressed out and need to be around a different type of person for a while. Sometimes things happen to us in our lives which can fill us with bitterness and resentment, and if you don't work past those issues, they deepen and become worse and eventually will control you.

There are a lot of jerky people, but there are also decent people out there who are trying their best to be compassionate and honest in a brutal, unforgiving world. Forget the trash- karma will take care of them. Avoid those who drive you so crazy. STDs and poor relationships are punishment enough- don't concern yourself so much with what others do, if you can help it. As long as they are not harming innocent people or animals, what they do to themselves is nobody else's business, right? Life is hard enough to get through without obsessing about other peoples' lifestyles.

You can't change people, all you can do is make yourself sick with hatred and waste your life and mental energy on people who are not worth it. Take care of yourself.

(btw, if you call people "sluts" et cetera on imbd, you are going to get attacked by most people- that is just the way it is, even if the people you are calling sluts are behaving like sluts according to the dictionary definition of the word In modern society, we're supposed to respect everybody's lifestyle choices. Also, if you talk about wanting people dead, nobody really knows if you're just blowing off steam or serious, and that scares some people...)

Have you ever seen the movie "Bad Milo"- bitterness and resentment is a lot like Milo- part of you that grows if you feed it and gets worse. Stop feeding your bitterness... tell yourself "karma will take care of them" and do something good for yourself. Don't watch movies which make you angry or bitter. Watch something that makes you feel relaxed and happy, okay?

"We all go a little mad sometimes." - Norman Bates



The stalking scenes felt incredibly accurate, both the ones where Frank was cruising in his car looking for marks or when he'd approach a woman with a line like "you're so beautiful, I just need to touch you." The opening vignette where Judy (?), the first woman to be killed, was being harassed by the man on the street was so realistic it was hard to watch.

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley

