Another dodgy accent

Why on Earth pick an American to play a Kiwi? I enjoyed the show but Elisabeth Moss' accent was horribly poor. When will they learn? Do they think we're all deaf? I could've forgiven it if they'd had her living in the US for years, instead of Australia.


You didn't think she was a mint choice choice?


Really? I thought her accent was pretty good. There were a couple of slips, but I thought it was pretty believable.


Why on earth pick a kiwi to play an American? The casting director thought it was the best person for the job. Actually kiwis are usually picked to play Americans because they will work much cheaper. Most Americans don't whine like bitches about accents though.


Actually, I asked why pick an American to play a Kiwi. I can only assume that most Americans probably wouldn't notice the poor accent, as it is closer to English than their own, hence, they probably wouldn't notice it enough to bitch about it. However, I'm not an American, and the poor accent is really noticable, and it spoils it for me somewhat. I'm sorry if my opinion offends you, but it's just that, MY opinion.


Because it was made for an international audience and not just a New Zealand one? Elizabeth Moss gave the New Zealand accent a good try but a New Zealander would have been better.


Oh shut up .... lots of Aussies star in American series, quit complaining.


And some New Zealanders too.
