Why didn't they just

try to find one another as soon as they figured out that they were real?
why didn't they put cell phone buds in their ears so that people would think they were talking on the phone and not crazies?
why didn't they just talk when they were alone?


I thought that aspect of the movie was a little dated. Ten years ago if I heard someone talking and there was no one around them, I would think they were crazy. Now, I figure they are talking on a cell phone. They could have easily made it clear that the movie was set in the distant past.


If they did that, then you wouldn't have this movie now would you? I swear people; Can you suspend your believe system for just a short while and enjoy a movie?


Difficult to suspend belief when a solution is so obvious.


The script was written in 1992, not a lot of cell phones back then ;-) People thiinking they were crazy was big part of the plot so not easy to work around.


The movie should hv been set in the early 90s and that wd solve that problem. Setting it in modern times messed with the story , in that
**the man really could hv avoided looking crazy.
**the woman being committed by her husband just like that was difficult to 'buy'. The suspension of disbelief would be easier if this was a couple of decades ago , coz (holy moly!) we sure hope that doesn't happen nowadays.


Things like that can still happen if the man ya wealthy and powerful


Lol I was hoping someone would bring this up! I couldn't properly enjoy the movie 'cause this was all that I was thinking about throughout the whole movie. If they didn't even want to invest in a cheap headset, they could have at least waited until they were behind closed doors, or just not talk as much. In the movie, it appeared as if they were talking 24/7 wherever. Of course they were going to look crazy that way.

Same here though, usually. When I see someone seemingly talking to himself/herself, I just assume that they're on their phone.
