MovieChat Forums > The Physician (2014) Discussion > Self-cut in the desert ?

Self-cut in the desert ?

Why did Rob do this to himself ? Nobody was going to pull his pants to check if he was really a jew. Best way to get an infection and have his dick cut off (no pun). Also, his wound didn't bleed much and healed pretty damn quickly - maybe another physician-superpower ?


He did not cut his penis, that think is called Circumcision which is the removal of the skin that covers the top of the front of the penis. Muslims and jews remove it at the age of 4 or 5 years old.


Yeah, thanks for telling me the obvious, I knew that, that's why I said nobody was going to look if he was really a jew (except if he went to take a piss with someone, perhaps).

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


I am sorry, only one small correction. I really don't have the information about Muslim circumcision, and in what specific age of the male infant life was done. But I am pretty sure that the Jewish circumcision ceremony, so called "Brit Milah" in Hebrew language, translated in English will be "The covenant of circumcision." is performed by a Mohel (The name for the Jewish person trained in the practice of this specific circumcision), on the eighth day of a male infant's life.


You probably don't know anything about the islamic and jewish worlds and the bath houses from that time that still persist today. There is no way on earth that you can flaunt around an uncut d1ck and not get caught. You can choose to avoid the baths, but that will raise even more questions and suspicions.


They did remove his "pants" near the end of the movie and said something like, "He looks like a Jew."
