MovieChat Forums > Knight of Cups (2016) Discussion > Watching this movie not on drugs....

Watching this movie not on drugs....

Watching this movie without taking drugs must be an incredible waste of time. I myself loved it, gave it an 8!


??? brilliant


No drugs and it was great to me


What exactly did you like? Was it the collection of random footage, or the in-cohesive storytelling through narration?


I watched it the first weekend I had moved into a new city. My stuff in boxes and just the couch and TV. My life felt exciting but at disarray. Of wonder. Of thrills to come (and they have come). I loved its random ramblings of narration. Like my dad drunk on a Friday night. Simple and beautifully unfiltered words. His choice of blonde or strawberry or brunette. All my past and future sexual encounters. My fleeting romances. The city was alive with death and vibrant life. I felt like a 3rd person game. Gazing at this world. Starting at my tv. Getting lost in Malicks world with a glass of wine. (Which doesnt seem to numb my senses but propel them) Remembering things left behind as I blazed a trail forward. So much has happened since I last saw this film. Not sure what effect it would have on me. I'm pretty sure


I'm pretty sure if I watched it Today idk how I'd feel. It captured me for those 2 hours. It's not a top 10 Of the the year. But it's unique and interesting to me. I feel like IMDb boards are bitwitching grounds for every film. Idk what to tell people. Go make your own movie? I certainly write my own. Don't watch Malick. If the food sucked the past 3x you went to a place. Why keep going back? But here it is and here the film is. It sits there awaiting you to take the journey or turn it off and watching the millions of other media.


Watched it stoned. I got the idea of the movie I think but I can't say I understood everything to the fullest. Loved the visuals though. I wasn't bored.

What I took from the movie reminded me of the one time I tried LSD though. :D
Maybe one should try that when watching the movie.


You're so on point. On a whim I watched my first Malick film "The New World" on a smidgen of shrooms and it was amazing. Did the same for "To the Wonder" and it was amazing. So I tried "Knight of Cups" sober and it just didn't have that "awhhhh"-factor. But to sobriety's credit, I also watched "Days of Heaven" on a bit of fungi and it didn't move me at all.

So, I don't know. There's probably a benefit to mind-altering substances and the Malick Trilogy. At the very least, it'll help your personal experiences when watching the films. But to whether or not you put the pieces together of what Malick is truly trying to say with the film? Probably not, lol.


8 pills of ecsasy you took?


That is the best thread I have ever read my friend. Bravo ho ho ha ha ha


If you like to watch movies stoned; then please try watching "The Cell" from back in 2000 while you're high.

It'll be an experience from another world. Trust me.

Nothing is what is seems


Oh yeah I remember when I saw The Cell for the first time after a night out and fully high on XTC. It was impossible because my I couldn't keep my eyes from rolling around so the image was constantly jumping around.

Also I saw Zoolander for the first when I was on shrooms: couldn't stop laughing. So funny


or The Music Lovers Talk about a trip. Or The Devils.


I was tripping balls watching it on a failing, rear projector, pre-HD televesion, and it was STILL NUTS


Yes another reason this 'movie' shouldn't get a wide-release into the megaplexes.

MOVIE GOER: Oh cool a new Christian Bale film, I have nothing else planned I'll go see it.

*leaves cinema after 30 minutes into film*

MOVIE GOER: I usually love Christian Bale films...I'm not sure this actually even was a film.

USHER: Sir, did you take drugs before seeing it?

MOVIE GOER: No I got the medium popcorn and soda combo.

USHER: Ah, see that's where you went wrong. You need to see this movie while on drugs.

MOVIE GOER: Oh...okay.

*continues walking away*


More like another reason megaplexes should sell drugs! ;) xD
