Theories on the ending?

It's just too confusing. I'm guessing it was all just a set up by the government? But it didn't play out like a conspiracy movie. I'm so confused. I hate that I ever watched this movie but until I find out the reason behind the ending it will always bug me.

You would think killing people would make them like you but it doesn't. It just makes them dead.


O boy, I was actually hoping to find some answers here. I totally agree with you, on all parts.


In some exhaustive searching on the Internet, I found a couple of people who provided what they thought the ending was about.
I searched mainly because this film ticked me off! I liked it a lot until the ending, and I had suspected that that sinister woman was the Devil. Guess not.
Then, I figured it was some kind of government coverup.
That was as close to to what others' thought too. Anyway, I digress...

Answers from 2 people on the Net:
Answer #1:
Lol i think those ppl were the ppl who ran the oldenbrook. It was obvious that it hadn't been closed down because of the air conditioners. From the looks of it john wasn't a hospital. He was inside of one of the operating rooms inside of the oldenbrook. Apparently those ppl knew those kids were going there and they hid behind walls and tortured them. They brainwashed john to make him think he was involved when he had never even gotten out of the vehicle. I've watched this 8 times

Answer: 2

It appears that our ‘hero’ wasn’t in hospital at all, but in a secure government facility that looks into and (presumably) covers up “paranormal incidents”.

Having told his story, with the useful aid of some found footage, the evil government people are satisfied no one else knows about what happened.

That’s what I *think* the ending was about. I’ve made it sound much more clever and exciting than it actually is though…

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
