This movie....

Will scare 13 year olds.

The concept of torturing mental patients up until the 60's has been over done.

The "Hospital" looks like a prison built/remodeled in the 80's,the Medical Ward being used for the story's background. Why not update the plot line to "some religious nut in the 90's got a bunch of patients to riot and kill each other or commit mass suicide, so much damage was it had to be remodeled, after they reopened creepy things happened, some people mysteriously died, then they closed it down 5 years ago". That would explain the newer cell set up.

Good try though. I wish they would have captured more then just creepy sounds, some orbs...maybe one of those creepy hot/cold images.


I'm glad someone else noticed that this asylum "from the 1920's" looked awfully modern. I understand these folks had zero budget (31,000$ is what IMDB listed!), but as you say, just come clean and design the story around the 1980's or 1990's. It would have made more sense and been different than every other clone movie of the type.
