MovieChat Forums > Grace of Monaco (2014) Discussion > What is it exactly people hate about thi...

What is it exactly people hate about this movie?

Dislike for Kidman aside....

You, a salty water ocean wave.
Knock, me down and kiss my face.



it's a good movie but the script is poor, the sound track was more dramatic than the story line.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification



Everything but the costuming.


I am enjoying it. It was a time and place for protocol, containment and gesture. Take it for what it is.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


A 45 year old Kidman trying to capture the grace and beauty of a Grace Kelly ( in her early 30's). Bleh.


I think what critics (and, I would assume, audiences) dislike about the movie is it all boils down to a very minimal (to us, in this day and age) and elitist conflict: WILL MONACO SURVIVE AS A SOVEREIGN STATE???

Frankly, Who cares? The movie doesn't show us anything Monaco does on its own that it couldn't still contribute under French the central investment is lost.

The question of whether Grace will commit to her marriage by giving up her career for good and embracing her royal role is also kind of flimsy: Prince Ranier comes across as a selfish dolt in the movie (and was apparently no great prize as a human being in real life), so actually, the viewer wishes the heroine would run AWAY from her husband, not bind herself closer.

Grace Kelly's personal life is actually slashed with a lot of unhappiness, and she turned to drink as the years in the palace wore on.

In essence, this film is just not very skillfully made, though Nicole Kidman is lovely, completely professional, and artistically sensitive in it. Yeah, she's older than the real-life Kelly was when she went royal...but modern audiences really have no concept of whether Kelly was 20 or 30 or 40 when she married, so that really doesn't work against the story at all, for your average viewer.



I suspect a lot of the "critics" on this board have not actually seen the movie.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


I've seen the movie.

But it isn't a movie. There is NO story and NO credible characters. But there is, unfortunately, a waxwork clothes dummy who does nothing but whisper.

This non-movie was as tedious as the SEVEN-MINUTE long closing credit sequence.


Watching it now.

Bit dull.

Seeing a film about Grace and Hitchcock making films, or her falling for the Prince, might have been more interesting.
