MovieChat Forums > Grace of Monaco (2014) Discussion > I wonder how know-it-alls will come here...

I wonder how know-it-alls will come here to 'enlighten' us

On how 'inaccurate' this movie will be. Every. single. TIME. a movie is made about a real life person or a historical figure, some obnoxious know-it-all smarmy prick sashays in and makes a big deal about how 'wrong this was' and how 'inaccurate that was' and basically expects everyone to be so impressed and in awe of how correct they are. I don't care if you know what kind of cream cheese Grace Kelly liked on her bagels or how many different pairs of shoes she owned, I'm so over these know it alls. They aren't doing that enlighten us, they're doing to show off and 'impress' us.


Is that attitude you would want someone to take in telling your life story on screen all willy nilly i don't give a what ? You'd want someone to mickey mouse your life like it meant absolutely nothing ???

Only when society changes will the culture change "


^I simply just can't stand the egotistical know it alls coming in here trying to impress everyone with how knowledgeable they think they are. It's obnoxious and pretentious and they only do it simply to show off and boost their own egos.


Oh, am I "sashaying"? Well Charmless, since she was my cousin, I will damn straight protect her from any falsehoods that malign her character in any way. I would hope you would do the same for a member of your family.

Your post seems to be placed so as to keep people from telling the truth... what a hideous thing to do. Why you have a problem with truth is the real question.


I only have a problem with obnoxious twits who try to impress everyone with whatever information they can salvage to contradict whatever was presented in the movie. If you really ARE Grace Kelly's cousin and knew her well, then certainly I would think you'd know what you're talking about and therefore in a position to correct any and all inaccuracies that are presented in this movie or any other. It's not about presenting the truth, it's about knocking egotistical know it alls down a peg.

And 'Charmless'? Really? Yeah, nice 'comeback' you got there.


since she was my cousin, I will damn straight protect her from any falsehoods that malign her character in any way. I would hope you would do the same for a member of your family.
Well, if GK was your cousin, you already know her New York and Hollywood years were filled with myriads of whorish affairs and assignations.

I don't have a problem with any of that, myself...but I'd be careful treading in here to defend her supposed "virtue".


it's a shame, I could find noone in these threads at all to cast any light on the historical accuracy of this film. I've been watching it slowly and enjoying it but I can't seem to find much information on this crisis with De Gaulle that Kelly is solving.


Just google

crisis France Monaco 1962
and you'll find more than you've ever wanted.

One anecdote among others: Women only got the right to vote in Monoco in 1962 (for France, in 1945).


If more ppl actually bothered a bit more about distinguishing fact from fiction, they'd be less gullible and less easy to manipulate (ex: when their leaders invade the "wrong" country as was the case in Iraq in 2003), Climate change would have been addressed ages ago etc etc

Willful ignorance kills millions of people!


That is why the filmmakers (or hacks--your choice) put that tip off in the title sequence. "Fiction Based on Historical Events"

They compressed events from 1950 to 1962 to the imagination into one time frame setting-pretty good for a TV movie but certainly not what I would usually expect from a Nicole Kidman, Tim Roth, Frank Langella or OMGEE Parker Posey project.

And anyone in Hollywood (or royalty for that matter) knows not to differentiate between good vs bad publicity--tis all publicity and as long as they spell the name right you win. People getting their panties in a twist over a fictional movie are too emotional to survive in that world anyway.

I can't hear you over the volume of my hair.
