MovieChat Forums > Grace of Monaco (2014) Discussion > So they had botox in the 1960s?

So they had botox in the 1960s?

Because Nicole Kidman's face looks like something out of a claymation film. I really used to love Kidman, but I wish she hadn't messed around so much with her face. She just looks plastic and strange -- it's not a great fit for Grace's natural beauty.




So, you don't like her because of Botox? That's just stupid. She's still a wonderful actress regardless.


It's not stupid. Grace Kelly was defined by her natural beauty. To cast ginger-haired, plastic-faced Nicole Kidman as Grace is an utter insult to the late Princess of Monaco. 


I know.You are so right.Grace Kelly was beautiful.Another actress should played her. As a proverb in Greece says" corks always float".

May it be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out ~Galadriel


Her face certainly looks creepy, mask-like and plastic these days. I noticed in Australia she could barely force an expression. Hopefully some of that has leaked out.





Couldn't agree with you more. Botoxed to the hilt. No wrinkles at all in her forehead or ability to even move that goddam forehead. Did you see STOKER? She did the whispering gushes that she does in all her roles. This waxwork can not act for peanuts. Nor can she pull a movie. Not to mention this wooden actor looks nothing like Grace Kelly. All I see from the trailer is freeze face Nicole.



To answer your question: Yes. Botox was around in the 60's, but only for therapeutic purposes (e.g. strabismus). It was tested for cosmetic purposes starting in 1989, but did not receive FDA approval in the U.S. until 2002, when its use quickly became widespread until the commonplace usage of today.

So Grace would not have had an overdone Botox look. 

When Botox is done well and minimally for deep frown lines, it looks very natural and you'd never know that someone has had it done. It's the poorly applied, overdone injections that make someone look unnatrally inexpressive.

I think Nicole has more than Botox showing in her face. The tighter "plastic" look you mentioned is more indicative of an invasive cosmetic procedure(s). She's likely had surgery; even a minor lift can backfire.

If anybody here considers cosmetic surgery, you MUST make sure that the surgeon is an absolute rockstar with an impeccable reputation and many satisfied patients that look as natural as possible. Those surgeons may cost a lot more, but "you get what you pay for." I can't imagine what some people are thinking when they travel to Mexico looking for the cheapest deal. *shudder*

As a side note, it makes me sad that so many young women are having "labiaplasty"! Labia come in different sizes and vary slightly in appearance, but many girls/young women want their genitalia to look like porn stars - same reason pubic hair removal got so popular. Porn stars are often required to shave/wax so the camera can better see penetration and to create a more "pubescent or childlike" appearance (creepy), while labia changes were made to keep stars uniform to generate visual expectations of porn "beauty".

The shift in young women looking up to porn stars, and celebrities with sex tapes, is quite disheartening!

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


Well in her defense she was portraying a woman in her early 30s.
I don't want to be mean but it was hard to not notice the lack of symmetry and MJ aspect of her nose in the closing speech at the Red Cross Ball. What is going on with her nose?
Did you notice that?
IMO it was awful & painful looking and I hate that an industry makes naturally beautiful women feel like they have to hack on their faces like that.
Why would they focus on her face knowing there is an issue like that -that they are going to have the $$ to clean up in post?

I can't hear you over the volume of my hair.
