Not as bad...

I just saw this film on Netflix. And I'll have to say it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, given its 10% on RT. It certainly wasn't great cinema but I found it entertaining enough. I assume the dramatic elements were grounded in reality but well embellished, I'm sure.

Nicole Kidman did about as good a job as she could portraying one of film's great icons. She never resembled Grace Kelly or sounded like her, but her work was fine under the circumstances. Not Academy Award level, as had been suggested early on, but not an embarrassment either.

I'm well aware of the film's controversial history, and I'm not sure which edit I viewed -- the director's or Harvey Weinstein's. I can't imagine the editing making too much of a difference: It was probably an ill-fated project from the get-go. Older moviegoers don't recognize this version of Grace Kelly and younger ones probably have no idea who she was.


I just looked this up -- For this role, Nicole Kidman was nominated by the Screen Actors Guild in the category "Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries." She wouldn't have been eligible for an Academy Award, anyway, since it wasn't a theatrical release, as it turned out.
