MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Um....yeah, so about the second trailer

Um....yeah, so about the second trailer

First of all, at what point did they delay this movie to January? No one outside of the companies concerned was told that this movie was in fact not being released in December. In any case, it seems like the people at Fox finally saw the absolute folly in releasing this movie anywhere near Star Wars. So now it at least has a chance to not totally flop. Now as far as the trailer itself...well, what do I if anything I felt even more underwhelmed about the movie than the first trailer made me feel. The reason for this basically boils down to two things, and that is the choice of music and the lack of a more complete plot summary. As a general movie goer, I would certainly still be trying to figure out what the hell this movie is supposed to be about. Just telling me that he gets sent back in time through the memories of his ancestors isn't telling me WHY he is being sent back. What is the actual objective?

And then the music...for the love of god...what do I say about the music? Despite the plea from many of Ubi Soft's fans to at least use music more suitable to the source material if not the games music itself, they choose music that just makes it feel even more awkward than the music did for the first trailer, at least for me. It just did not generate any hype in me to see this movie whatsoever. It felt like another trendy music video to me. As far as what fans are saying about Assassins Creed, it is far from a mindless action game, yet the way the entire trailer was cut makes it seem like its exactly that. There is nothing about the move that screams "epic" any more than the dozens of other video game movies so far. Its certainly not a trailer I would necessarily use to market to my family in an attempt to leave a lasting impression, because I'm certain it won't just like the first trailer didn't. Who is actually in charge of the marketing of this film? Is it Ubi Soft or Fox? In any case, they need to find someone who knows what the hell they are doing, because the only people these trailer's seem to be marketed towards is its fanbase. They are marketing this movie as if this is just another video game, not understanding that movies and video games are two very different mediums of entertainment, and so is the audience they are marketing towards.


Why did folks hate the first trailer song so much?
Aside from Kanye's actual vocals , it started off pretty raw.

I don't care for Assasins but y'all reaching , Michael should deliver.

Emma Frost's homecoming countdown -



Why did folks hate the first trailer song so much?
Aside from Kanye's actual vocals , it started off pretty raw.

I don't care for Assasins but y'all reaching , Michael should deliver.

The music in the first trailer might have worked pretty well if they had used the instrumental version of it and kept Kanye Wests egotistical, annoying ass out of it. As soon as he opened his foul mouth, it completely ruined what little atmosphere the music might have created for the scenery. But the music for the second trailer however, wouldn't have worked either way. Even without lyrics, I felt totally underwhelmed. It did not hype me up for this movie at all. So in essence, the music they chose for this trailer was an even worse choice than the one in the first trailer.


Music in trailers with story telling can be tacky
On another note , Kanye's song should of been used for Black Panther.

Emma Frost's homecoming countdown -


Why use Kanye for black Panther?


Don't know just feel it would of fit better perhaps

Aside from the fact no one seemed to have appreciated the song.

Emma Frost's homecoming countdown -


I know what you mean,to many fans,AC movie should feel like an orchestral feast...not a hip-hop crap...but as the second trailor go,this hip-hop stuff doesn't feel like a total crap,give it a chance,at least wait for the fan reviews...



I know what you mean,to many fans,AC movie should feel like an orchestral feast...not a hip-hop crap...but as the second trailor go,this hip-hop stuff doesn't feel like a total crap,give it a chance,at least wait for the fan reviews...

It felt like I was watching the trailer to another Assassins Creed game instead of a movie. It felt lame and uninspired. It didn't generate any excitement or interest for this movie at all. The music they chose for this trailer isn't any better than the hip-hop garbage of the first one, if not worse considering it was instrumental.


at what point did they delay this movie to January?

UK release date got changed to January back in mid/late August (or has it always been January for the UK, and they just moved it up a couple days?... can't remember, would have to go digging for the articles).

In the U.S. it still releases in December


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"



UK release date got changed to January back in mid/late August (or has it always been January for the UK, and they just moved it up a couple days?... can't remember, would have to go digging for the articles).

In the U.S. it still releases in December

Well, as far as I can tell, this is supposed to be a domestic trailer, not an international or U.k one. They certainly made it seem like they changed the date for the U.S.


Well, as far as I can tell, this is supposed to be a domestic trailer, not an international or U.k one. They certainly made it seem like they changed the date for the U.S.

Where did you watch the trailer from? From an official channel or from one of those users (or CBM news style type of sites) that immediately rip the video and uploads it to their own channel to try and pilfer traffic/views from the official uploads? Watching on Fox's official US youtube channel it was clear this was out in December:
In addition to the date at the end of the trailer you also have from the video's description:
In Theaters - December 21, 2016

Where as you have the upload on Fox's official UK Youtube Channel that indicates the January release in both the video and the description:
- In cinemas January 1, 2017


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


I watched it off of IGN's channel. You would think an American media company would have shown the American version and not one for foreign audiences.


I watched it off of IGN's channel.

Just looked and yup, sure enough, they uploaded the UK version of the trailer. Shame on them for confusing people/not adding something to the videos description to make clear the different release dates.


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


The hell are you talking about? It still premieres on December 21st. Trailer says it, the new poster says it.



The hell are you talking about? It still premieres on December 21st. Trailer says it, the new poster says it.

It clearly says in the trailer that it will be in cinemas January 1st. Did you even watch the trailer?


You've probably seen a version from some country where it's being released on that date. Here you go.


It still premieres on December 21st. Trailer says it,

Sairentu, realize that there was more than one release for the trailer. There's the U.S. version, which does indicate the December release date, then there's also the UK version of the trailer, which has the January release listed (so it depends on which version the OP saw/where they're from)


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


Yep, it's being released on a whole bunch of dates in a whole bunch of countries. He might as well have talked about an Argentinian premiere on January 19th and base his post on it :)



Sairentu, realize that there was more than one release for the trailer. There's the U.S. version, which does indicate the December release date, then there's also the UK version of the trailer, which has the January release listed (so it depends on which version the OP saw/where they're from)

Ahh I see, dammit. And I was hoping that the light of logic and reason was shined on the arrogant minds at Fox and Ubi Soft.


The release date of December, 21 is a reference to the end of the world in 2012 year which Desmond Miles stopped by sacrifising himself. It's a significan event in the games' universe and should be pleasant to all who finds out because it's THIS date was chosen.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Not to mention Ubisoft and Fox actually secured this December 21 release date before Rogue One announced its release date. People forget that important fact. I love Star Wars and Lucasfilm, but they were kind of jerks for invading AC's terf (Rogue One was originally meant to release in May of this year, which is why Fox delayed AC from May and June of this year to December).


Disney is a known jerk nowadays. They did pretty much the same with Batman v Superman by putting their Captain America to the exact same date that DC and Warners had secured for their BvS. That made the studios move the DC film to the end of March instead of May.

And you know what's fun even more? Rogue One is not even complete yet! Less than two months before its release, and they're still editing it. When they're going to convert it to 3D/IMAX, dubb it to different languages and make a test screenings is a huge question.

Nolan, I love you forever!


they did pretty much the same with Batman v Superman by putting their Captain America to the exact same date that DC and Warners had secured for their BvS. That made the studios move the DC film to the end of March instead of May.

That is not what happened.

In June 2013 Marvel announced that they had films that would release May 2016 and May 2017. They simply hadn't announced exactly what those films would be yet (which makes some sense.... it was 3 & 4 years away at that point, don't want to spill the beans of what their plans are too early). At the time BvS was still aiming for a 2015 release.

When WB decided that BvS needed to be pushed back, someone decided it would be a good idea to move it to a date they already knew would be occupied by a Marvel movie (again, it simply hadn't been announced exactly what Marvel movie it would be). That was in January 2014 that they announced the date shift. 6 months after Marvel already announced they had a film slated for May 2016 (it was in April 2014 Marvel revealed that the movie they had scheduled for May 2016 was the Captain America sequel). In August 2014 WB announced they were moving BvS for a 2nd time to March (later they would cite that it had nothing to do with 'flinching' from Marvel and the Captain America film, but that March would simply be a 'fantastic corridor' for their film).

So it was WB that - in 2014 - tried to muscle in on a date that Marvel had already put a flag on back in 2013. Not the other way around.
Rogue One is not even complete yet! Less than two months before its release, and they're still editing it.

It's actually not as uncommon anymore for Blockbusters (especially special effect heavy films) to be getting worked on up until the (proverbial) 'last minute'. Also, Rogue One has, essentially, a "global release date" - unlike some films, it does not have a staggered release date (i.e. like with Assassin's Creed where it opens in December in some markets, January in other markets) and so they only really have to worry about a single hard date instead of multiple dates.


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


Rogue One has, essentially, a "global release date" - unlike some films, it does not have a staggered release date (i.e. like with Assassin's Creed where it opens in December in some markets, January in other markets) and so they only really have to worry about a single hard date instead of multiple dates.

What is has to do with the fact that Rogue One is not even complete yet? Yes, they have to worry about this one date, but they need to finish editing, convert the movie to 3D and IMAX, dub it to all another languages and make a test screenings till this date comes.

Nolan, I love you forever!



What I mentioned about Assassin's Creed securing this date before Rogue One? It is. I've been following both movies since they were announced (I'm a huge fan of both franchises), and that's exactly how it happened. Ubisoft and Fox announced the date before SDCC 2014, where the first pre-production art for Rogue One was shown. Back then, Rogue One was announced as a May release, along with all the Star Wars Anthology films releasing in May their respective years if release.


by lou618 ยป (Tue Oct 18 2016 08:50:53)
As a general movie goer, I would certainly still be trying to figure out what the hell this movie is supposed to be about. Just telling me that he gets sent back in time through the memories of his ancestors isn't telling me WHY he is being sent back. What is the actual objective?

You want them to spoil the whole movie, I don't mind them not saying why he's being sent back. As a movie goer, ignoring my knowledge of the games, I'm interested why they want him to experience the past and what's their goal But that's something for THE MOVIE to answer, not the trailer.


I thought the same thing. I thought that finally someone at Fox woke up and decided to move the worldwide release date to january, but they didn't. They will end up regretting this idiotic decision.

What idiot choses the music for these trailers? He or she needs to be fired! Another horrible song.

I don't like this new animus. It makes no sense at all. Yes, it looks cool to see him do all those moves, but what does he do when his ancestor is on the toilet, or sleeping with someone? What does Callum do? It makes no sense!


As with the games, I presume only important genetic sequences are relived. In all the Desmond games, he was always trying to access a particular memory, but it was locked/fragmented/something like that, and so he had to relive other memories before that one. But, whenever possible (i.e. in order to skip over mundane things like you mentioned), the Animus would "Fast forward memory to a more recent one"


Fox just doesn't know how to market the movie well. They're trying to get on the casual movie goer's side but it's just not working
