MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > It looks to be quite a level above your ...

It looks to be quite a level above your typical video game movie

From the top notch actors involved to the impressive period sets and costumes and the well orchestrated choreography I've got to say that this is the first movie based off of a video game that actually looks like it could be good. I'm a big fan of Michael Fassbender and I'm sure he'll be terrific in this (I've heard he'll be speaking Spanish for over half of the movie, which is interesting to say the least), and the rest of the cast looks good too.

Assassin's Creed looks like a movie that someone actually wanted to make, that people had a vision for and were earnest about crafting a good film, rather than just a studio attempt to crank out a movie sold completely on the recognizable name of a popular video game. I am not familiar with the Assassin's Creed video game series as I don't play a lot of games, so I can't say how "in-tune" with the video game series it is, but from a story telling and film-making perspective this looks very good. It could open the door to a whole new level of quality in video game movies.


Totally agree. Michael Fassbender is always 'watchable'. Great actor.
I've seen a lot of game/movie cross overs and in my opinion, most are pretty poor. Yeah OK, stand alone, I suppose some are OK and are certainly watchable in their own right, but when compared to the actual game it's milking...not really. Tomb Raider was OK. Jolie was good and well cast. It was an OK film, but, it was light years away from the game. The game was a complete game changer (pun intended). Resident Evil too. 1st was well worth a watch as the game was so good. Not really in the same league as the game though. They've tried to milk that film series too much now (sadly, the game has gone the same way too).
I can't wait to watch this one though. Like you genuinely looks like it was made out of desire. Of its close to as good as the's a winner!



This movie is the gateway to succesfull videogame movies. It has all signs that it's going to be a big big succes.


I didn't see much that differentiated it from the likes of Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, or even Hitman. Parts of the trailer even looked like videogame footage. Guilty pleasure movie through and through!

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


As a fan from the beginning, this film is completely in-tune with and respectful of the games. I agree, I've been following this film since it was announced 4 years ago, and it truly has been a labor of love, a passion project for everyone involved.

Also, just FYI, Fassbender will be speaking Spanish for approximately 35% of the film- Aguilar (the historical ancestor) speaks Spanish, and the film allegedly takes place 35% in the past, 65% in the present. That's still pretty cool in my opinion. :)
