MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > DOA. sucks, I like Michael Fassbender.

DOA. sucks, I like Michael Fassbender.

From a non videogamer perspective, this movie looks pretty bad. From a trailer perspective, it only offers flash and a setup for how it happens. But there is no real setup for the plot or the stakes at hand. I don't want to know everything but what they revealed just feels mediocre- as if this film was made by Paul W.S. Anderson.


As someone who's not all that familiar with the Assassin's Creed franchise, the plot is not that difficult to make out from the trailer. It shows a convicted criminal, who they call Callum Lynch, who instead of being executed, get's taken to a research facility to re-experience the genetic memories of an ancestor 500 years ago. For some reason, they want information about his past to do something in the present, obviously they won't reveal the whole plot in the trailer to avoid spoilers but the concept seems interesting to me. The setup for the plot seems pretty clear to me so I don't understand where you get the idea that there's no plot setup.


Theirs a plot... but it seems generic. We've seen a bunch of times in films where an inmate is being played as a lab rat. Or someone fighting for their freedom. Matrix and Inception had simlaur plots (Down on his luck man, visiting another world) yet those films had more at stake. Plus they looked visually more unique. This looks stale from the trailers. And when you consider the fact that the source is taken from somewhere else.... it makes it all the more cheap. Nothing original about it


Thanks for giving it a chance. You're right, there's obviously some major plot that they're not giving away in the trailers. The first AC game did the same thing, and when the plot was revealed while playing the game... take it from me, it was such a good moment. They obviously want non-gamers to be able to experience the reveal with Callum Lynch in the movie, like we gamers did with Desmond Miles in the game. And if they do that... it's going to be SO worth it!

Unfortunately, I understand that some people might look at this and think it's all flash, no substance. But believe me, there's a LOT of substance to it. Fassbender (a while ago) even talked about how there's so much substance that they had to make sure not to go overboard with exposition, since a movie has much less time to explain things than a game does.
