MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Work in the Dark to serve the light..

Work in the Dark to serve the light..

Been a fan from the Xbox 360 beginnings. Maybe it's just me:

Nothing is true; Everything is permitted.

This was the theme through most of the games until AC III. I don't dislike the work in the dark tagline but it doesn't feel as powerful as the other.


Am I the only one who isn't that fond of the animus in this movie?


"Nothing is true, everything is permitted". This is the foundation of the Assassin's Creed and a hundred times for powerfull than "We work in the dark to serve the light". What idiot decided to use that line, instead of Nothing is true, everything is permitted? It's iconic! Every fan knows how important it is.

You're not the only one. I'm not a fan of the new animus at all. It doesn't make any sense. What does Callum do when his ancestor goes to the toilet, or sleeps with someone? Does he mimic him? It's absurd and they didn't think it through. They just thought it looked better than Callum lying on a sofa.


Ezio said those exact words "We work in the dark to serve the light." Bleeding effect to your second point


Indeed. Both quotes are from the game so it's no big deal they didn't go for the nothing is true everything is permitted quote


Bro, did you see my response to you in the other thread? Your point was addressed in the FIRST game.


I love the new animus the bleeding effect makes more sense when the user mimics the moves.


I can see if it was used to showcase the training, but not the actual animus. They should have kept the old one.


Let's agree to disagree ;)




The old Animus is still there, you can see it behind Sophia Rikkin when he explains things to Callum when he got pluged in to the new robotic Animus.

Using old version of the Animus where the person just lies on this chair is not cinematic enough, while using this amazing new robotic version is pretty amazing because it makes even fans of the games excited for explanation of how it actually works. That's it.

Nolan, I love you forever!


"Nothing is true, everything is permitted" wouldn't make much sense to the people that aren't familiar with the games and the philosophy behind the Assassins


It is the central idea behind the Assasins Creed. It was the *beep* mantra, the oath that would bind all Assasins to come.

Respectfully...people should be able to learn what it means from the movie.



Sure they can explain it in the MOVIE, not a 3 minute trailer



Agree, I'd like to see it on some posters (and, of course, the movie itself) but not necessarily in the trailers.


Ezio has said both. That mantra is better served for marketing and getting across the type of people the Assassins are


As easily as he said the first one in the trailer he could as easily said the other.

They could could have shown all the cloak and dagger and mystery of what he is about to embark on. And after being in the "animus negative 2.0" and showing some recognition of his skills and said

"Nothing is true....Everything is permitted" and stabbed a bunch of Abstergo guys.


Ehhh I don't think so. The one in the trailer defines clearly the mission of the Assassin's. I don't why the hell he would say that while fighting, that sounds like too on the nose shoehorned fan service. It'll work better within the movie and not as a marketing tool


Animus negative? You mean Animus positive


Sorry, I meant that to me the animus looks stupid. Although I have to admit that in a cinematic sense it makes sense. I just have a hard time accepting it. I just loved the first and second animus bed and chair from the games. I never really liked the abstergo versions from the recent games.


All a matter of perspective. For me, some people complaining about the possible pg-13 rating is that sometimes in the games blood didn't seem that important. I knew I killed numerous people with the hidden blade and didn't stay around to see blood.

Basically I'm a fan of movies and video games. I just like the idea that they treat them with care.


Yeah, I guess. Either way I'm sure the line will make it into the movie.



I actually find the animus more realistic for him to learn his ancestors skills.
