MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Did anyone else think that the latest tr...

Did anyone else think that the latest trailer was hilarious?

If the trailer is any indication, this might be the comedy event of the year.

"Are you here to save my soul?"

"I understand it's your birthday"

"That part is just getting started."

I wasn't expecting a comedy but I'll take it.

The film looks awful


This film is going to be the gamechanger for video game adaptations.this movie is going to start the marvel equivalent of video game movies


That did seem awful I agree... I hope the sarcasm is part of Callum's personality. That way maybe it's not so bad.

I also can't get over Cotillard's delivery of the line 'Your past.'. We've seen two versions now, both sucked. It's like she had no idea how to handle it and just did something random with Kurzel failing to direct her properly.
