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Marion Cotillard talks about the movie in new interview to french mag

The magazine is Version Femina. She talked about almost each of her future projects, including Assassin's Creed.

Vous avez aussi retrouvé vos deux partenaires de Macbeth: Justin Kurzel, le réalisateur, et l'acteur Michael Fassbender?

Tourner Assassin's Creed avec eux était également irrésistible! J'ai tellement adoré travailler avec Justin Kurzel, cet homme a été une de mes plus belles rencontres d'actrice. Il est un directeur d'acteurs vraiment hors du commun comme il en existe peu, avec une dévotion à Facteur assez rare. Evidemment, j'ai aimé le scénario, et c'est pour cela que j'ai accepté le film. Je n'ai pas dit oui seulement pour le metteur en scène mais je dois avouer que ce n'est pas le genre de film que j'aurais accepté avec n'importe qui. Il m'est arrivé qu'on me propose des grosses productions américaines comme ça mais dans lesquelles je sentais que le réalisateur n'allait pas maîtriser entièrement son navire, qu'il n'avait pas toutes les clés, parce qu'on ne les lui laissait pas. Il y a des projets aux Etats-Unis qui sont plus des longsmétrages de studios que des films de réalisateurs. Je ne pouvais pas laisser passer l'opportunité de retravailler avec Justin. L'envie était trop forte d'avoir une nouvelle expérience avec lui et avec Michael Fassbender. Reformer ce trio me faisait trop envie. C'est pour ça que j'ai un peu accumulé les films. Et maintenant, il y a Arnaud Desplechin. Là, c'est la liberté dans le style, son cinéma est très particulier. C'est encore une chance inouïe de pouvoir tourner avec un metteur en scène comme lui !Encore une fois, j'ai essayé de résister et je n'ai pas réussi.

English translation:
You also found yourself working with your two partners on Macbeth again: Justin Kurzel, director, and actor Michael Fassbender?

To shoot Assassin's Creed with them was also irresistible! I so enjoyed working with Justin Kurzel, this man was one of my best matches as an actress. He is a director for actors, which is really unusual as there are so few directors with a devotion to such a rare factor. Obviously, I liked the script, and that's why I accepted the film. I didn't say 'yes' only to the director but I must admit that this is not the kind of a movie I would have agreed with anyone on director's chair. It happened to me that I am offered big American productions like that but where I felt that the director did not fully control his ship, he had not all the keys, I didn't agree on this. There are projects in the US that are more about studios than about filmmakers themselves. So I could not give up such an opportunity to work with Justin. The urge was too strong to have a new experience with him and Michael Fassbender. To reform the trio made me want to make it too. That's why I've agreed on some movies.

Nolan, I love you forever!



This movie gonna be a great succes. No doubt about it.


Definitely. I think we can all basically agree that the movie has already broken the curse.


Those are very encouraging words. She's been really outspoken about it


I'm french and I don't trust MC in any movie other than romantic dramas or romantic comedies. Disliked her in Inception, hated her in Dark Knight Rises, probably won't love her much in AC.

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


She's considered one of the strongest dramatic actresses in the world right now, and her work in Inception was praised by many, including famous film critics and director himself, who liked her so much that immediately took her in The Dark Knight Rises.

So it's you, not her.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Being fair she was *beep* on TDKR

Some BODY once told me.


Her death scene was *beep*, but other scenes were great, especially revelation scene, which I thought was outstanding.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Did I, at any time, imply this was anything else than my opinion ?


I agree. She was the weakest part in TDKR and she was really bad in Inception. All she did was act like a complete psychopath in all the flashbacks.
