MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > Unrated Director's Extended Cut?

Unrated Director's Extended Cut?

Guessing you've all seen both trailers now and are well aware that the rating of the film is PG13.

That being said, that would probably mean no blood..which is not a good thing, for a movie about Assassins stabbing with blades. Just watch those action sequences and notice how clean and fake the blades look. I'm praying for two things at this point...

1) Hopefully it's just the trailer that's screwed up for the green label of approving to all audiences. Perhaps the movie itself will have blood through CGI or other methods.

2) More importantly, upon the release of this film, I'm praying for an unrated director's extended cut edition. I will buy that in a heart beat.

As a true fan who's played all the games, bought all DLCs, and merchandise collector; I would love to see plenty of blood in this movie...the games did very well this way.

What do you guys think?


I'm not realy sure about the amount of blood that will appear....
Have you seen Warcraft or Pride & Predujice and zombie??
The Violence and the amount of blood was surprisingly a lot, and it's Pg-13
We know that Assassin's Creed always assassinate someone with clean cut, so i'm pretty sure that the amount of blood will be enough for the movie


1) Nope.

2) It'll probably happen, but I won't buy it.

Sorry. What you see is what it'll be. Lots of clean and implied violence that's obscured by cut-aways and hyper-editing, but that will be the extent of it.


There will be blood in the pg13 movie.

This was a *beep* green band trailer so it's logical there is no bloof in that trailer.


Nope. It was green band because it's PG. And I know R rated movies have green band trailers, but this is indisputably PG. Green band is all there is to it.


It's gonna gave blood that's a fact


That being said, that would probably mean no blood

Blood is allowed in PG-13 movies.


Have you heard any inside info about this film? Or know anything that most wouldn't?


Not really, I haven't been following the production that closely. Looking forward to seeing the movie, though.


I doubt there will be blood in this movie. I completely agree that the fights look fake. There should at least be a little blood even if the movie is pg 13.

I doubt there will be an unrated director's extended cut. I think they were aiming for pg13.

I'm not sure that Fox releases a lot of unrated director's edition. I know that WB does is quite often.


Where on earth did this sudden notion that PG-13 movies don't/can't have blood come from?

There are PLENTY of PG-13 movies that have blood in them.


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


There wasn't any blood in the new trailer.


Greenband trailer so blood is still a big possibility in the full movie


The blood isn't bothering me too much. It always depended on your play style. You could hidden blade people without seeing much blood. Obviously there were a lot of scripted sequences that required a bloody end to some asshat Templar.

I'll will buy the Bluray anyways, but would love UR DC.

Until then I'll wait and hope for the best.


What do we think? I won't tell you what I think and will instead do you a solid and tell you what I know:

1) Your hopes are little more than ones filled with lots of wishful thinking.


2) It's quite clear to anyone who reads your initial post that you're a complete sucker if you actually somehow think that an 'unrated extended director's cut' would prove to be any better or differnt of a film than the one to be released in theaters.

That is all.
