MovieChat Forums > And Now a Word from Our Sponsor (2013) Discussion > 'And Now A Word From Our Sponsor' Review...

'And Now A Word From Our Sponsor' Reviewed At aro.html

Excerpt: "So what are the chances of an ad-loving woman who needs millions to open a cancer center but has trouble with her teen daughter run into a millionaire who speaks in nothing but TV slogans and can help bring Karen and her daughter closer? Who cares, because it happened here and I was forced to watch it as a result. As the tepid plot slogs along, Meghan almost gets dated raped but Adan busts in and stops it. THAT'S the reason why Meghan started being nice to her mom. OK, that's weird. After the attempted rape the family goes on a music montage/shopping trip and play guitars together.

At this point you must be asking yourself why in the world am I still writing this review. Because trust me, as bad as this movie is the ending is insanely worse."

Read the full review at aro.html


Well you have summed it up perfectly. I kept waiting for it all to make sense...
