Worth watching?

I'm struggling to find this show online or anywhere in the UK, so before I order a DVD, is it worth it? I gather from reviews it isn't historically accurate, which I was expecting, but what kindof genre does the show fit into? Is it funny? Action stuff? Romance? How much of it is actually about art or his inventions? Any feedback would be really helpful :)


It's historical fantasy. Though more fantasy than historical :)

It a good show, pure entertainment and very enjoyable to watch. There is actually a lot of art in the show. Leo spends a lot of time drawing and creating inventions. That's actually one of my favourite parts of the show, the inventions are so well done and intriguing. Also the way the depict Leonardo's genius is brilliant. They sort of show you in their own way how his mind works and processes thing and invents things; it's great fun.

Overall I'd give it a try if you like fantasy, action and romance shows. However if you want something that is historically accurate then it may not be for you.


Really Good show ! More fantasy than history indeed but it's definitely worth it. And the CGI landscapes are gorgeous.

⚜ Lance is a Saint ! ⚜
