MovieChat Forums > Hours (2013) Discussion > Hours: A labor of love

Hours: A labor of love

Let me start by saying that I enjoyed this movie well enough. I was entertained and I felt empathy for the character. I didn't find it totally realistic and I can think of things that could have been done differently. I think Paul did a good job and would have continued to prove himself as an actor.

What I want to mention is that the more I think about it the more this movie can be compared to labor. Not everything in the movie supports this of course. But *spoiler alert* the end of the movie when Nolan is rescued and put on the gurney and then they hear the baby and they bring her to him and put her on his chest the whole thing reminded me of when a baby is born and they put the baby on the mother's chest. He looks so exhausted but so relieved and happy. The baby cries and he knows her and loves her. As a mom you can't explain the instant bond and love you have for your knew baby. How can you know this new tiny human like you do? Nolan was worried he wouldn't be a good father but by the time he finally holds his baby in his arms that doubt is washed away. Keeping her alive like that he was obviously a good father anyway.

But back to my comparison. The annoying battery that needs to be charged approximately every 3 mins hardly give the guy a break or time to do much of anything. Add to that the demand to charge the battery keeps getting closer and closer. Kind of like how contractions get closer and closer together and build in intensity. I don't know if any woman has been in labor for nearly 48 hours but I was in labor for 30 hours. I am sure women have been in labor longer than me.

When he gets the shot of adrenalin he gets that extra burst of energy to keep going even when he thought he couldn't. Again labor...and when he said he should have done that sooner it reminded me of how some women feel when and if they finally decide to get an epidural.

So he put in the hours. He labored to keep his daughter alive until she finally took her first breath on her own and let out a beautiful cry. Getting there was dirty and bloody, exhausting and horrific but totally worth it. After all they went through he has his baby girl and they are a family.

Again, obviously not all parts of the movie can be equated to labor and delivery but parts of it can and I think it makes the movie that much more beautiful and valuable.


It is a nice story for sure but it sure moves slowly during most of the middle.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


For sure. It wasn't a long movie but parts did seem to drag on. I think I gave it a 7. Extra point for making me think about events in the movie through a unique lens. Intended or not.


Monica..., I would never have thought of your comparison, but you're right on target and I'm glad I read your post. Now, I want to see it again with your idea in mind.

You told about your long delivery. Wow! 30 hours. That was tough, I can't begin to imagine. When I had my only child I went in for my checkup and the Dr. told me that I was in the very beginning stage of labor and I could expect the baby within the week. 30 minutes later I was at the hospital visiting a friend that was in labor. A nurse was in the room and I got hit with my first contraction. 3 minutes later another one. The nurse said that she needed to check me out. I told her no, that I had just had my Dr' s appointment and she said it would be a few days before the baby would come. She checked me and said the baby was on his way and would be here in 4 or 5 hours and they were going to admit me and call my Dr. I'm telling them no, I'm not ready. About 5 minutes later I was on a gurney and another nurse checked me and left. They start running around and making announcements and saying "stat". I ask a nurse running past me if someone was about to have their baby. She said yes, you! I'm still declaring that it's to soon. 9 minutes later he was born. I was in hard labor 15 minutes. I heard another mom in labor tell someone that she had been there 12 hours already and how could that bitch (me) come right in and go before everyone else. Lol! My poor friend didn't have her baby until the next morning.

It had been raining and was in December, so anytime that day that I got out of the car I would run into the buildings. I wonder if the running is what pushed me along so fast.


The comparison didn't hit me until the very end. The more I thought about it the more it seemed supported. I'm glad that someone else can see what I'm saying here:) I actually came to the message boards thinking someone must have had the same idea. When I didn't find anything I figured I would be the one to put it out there. I really do wonder if the writers intended this or not on any level.

Thank you for sharing your birth story! So quick and unexpected you barely have time to think about it or believe it! No matter the circumstances it is unforgettable. I guess you are one of the lucky ones:) maybe all that running around really did help:)


On-target observation.
Last scene with baby in his arms for the first time looked just like the typical birth scene, except with the father instead.
