The Beatles

Isn't this the meeting where Elvis allegedly tried to get The Beatles banned from America.

Is this mentioned in the film at all?


They try to put a sympathetic spin on it when Jerry and Sonny enter the room and Elvis whispers to one of them that he had to slam The Beatles in order to get the badge he wanted. Weren't The Beatles already broken up by then anyway (Dec. 1970)?

No! That's not true at all, Elvis takes 50% of everything I earn!
Col. Tom Parker


Yeah, but it's true that Lennon's anti-war protests were getting him in trouble with Nixon and Hoover. They were trying to get him sent back to Britain.


Yeah, but it's true that Lennon's anti-war protests were getting him in trouble with Nixon and Hoover. They were trying to get him sent back to Britain.

That didn't start happening until he moved to New York in the tail end of 1971, a whole year after the period this movie is set in. In 1970 Lennon was living in Tittenhurst Park in Ascot, England.


Suburban Robot That Monitors Reality


Yeah The Beatles were finished by late '69 but nothing was announced until early '70.

Maybe Elvis didn't want them in the country as solo artists even.
