MovieChat Forums > The Returned (2013) Discussion > 'I don't want a gun in the house!'

'I don't want a gun in the house!'

Not only the midst of a zombie apocalypse and civil unrest, but also being targeted by vigilante death squads and a military extermination program... Sadly an accurate representation of a very common mental weakness, as virulent as zombieism itself



Yeah, it's pretty bizarre how some people fetishize guns, like they're some kind of totem, and just being near one is bad juju.


Maybe that's where the father on Fear the Walking Dead get his crap from


"Liberalism is a mental disorder"--Dr. Michael Savage


I think it makes more sense to criticize this as a weakness in the script, and less sense to pretend this person was real and try to hash out her political views. "Common" as aversion to guns may be, you can hardly say you've seen people act this way in a zombie apocalypse.

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


Many people do express this degree of extremism now though. Not far fetched to believe that a significant proportion of these people would do it even in a zombie apocalypse.
