Subtitles needed!

Even though the movie was done in English, it was very hard to understand the dialogue between characters. Subtitles please! Yet none were available on the NETFLIX version of the DVD.


It's that Oirish accent lol, I had trouble and I'm English, helps if you can lip read with certain lines!


I wanted to watch this but when I put the disc in and discovered there were no subtitles I knew it was going to be a problem. I did try to watch without them but I couldn't understand half of what the boys were saying in the first scene so I gave up.


Go to some ESL classes if you can't understand. I know it's hard for foreigners to understand English, but if you learn how to speak English it will be much easier to understand other people's spoken English as well.

That's the thing about the English language in particular. Apart for some silly childlike negro ghetto dialects from north america, English is almost exactly the same the world over. Any English speaker from anywhere in the world will be able to instantly understand and communicate with any other English speaker. The global homogeneity of the language makes the need for English subtitles redundant, except perhaps for the deaf & mentally handicapped.

There just aren't the massive regional dialectic linguistic differences such as in Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi or any other of the major world languages.


Yeah, but you have to realize is that people like me, who live in the Southern United States, have no problem understanding ghetto speak. And if I didn't watch alot of foreign movies, I would have a hard time understanding what Irish people were saying. It's all in what we are used to hearing.
