MovieChat Forums > Mr. Right (2016) Discussion > Anna Kendrick should play Harley Quinn

Anna Kendrick should play Harley Quinn

She did such a good job with this role you can see her mind changing sloe I could just imagine her dissent into crazy as the joker twist`s her mind to the point where she is just laughing crazily while she is cracking necks or swinging her hammer she has that
slim body that you could see doing cart wheels, I haven't
figured out who to play the Clown Prince, may be Rockwell or Eklund their both good
actors, I am open to suggestions! please do discus
(of course Heath Ledger would have been the perfect joker,R.I.P)


Before seeing her in this movie I would have said that she'd make a horrible Harley Quinn, but she shows the perfect acting range in this film to play that part. I agree 100%.


No, keep her ugly squishy face out of it.


agree..keep her ugly ass away from Quinn


yup Thats exactly what i thought, I didn't really think she was a good enough actress or rather that she could be so dark and psychopathic until i saw this movie, at one point in the film while she is killing those guys I thought the story was gonna go really dark Because she looked like she had cracked



Rarr I'm a T-Rex and I'm invincible! HAHA. She totally needs to play more roles like this.


I'm so stealing that line from the movie and when people blank face me, I'll just tell them to watch the movie.
Had such a good time with this movie, if you thought you liked Anna Kendrick, watch this movie and you'll love her.
And it had Tim Roth....they should figure out a way for him to be in everything.

For those who don't like Anna Kendrick, I can only assume you're dain bramaged in some have my sympathy.


She would have been great.



She is too stick thin to play Harley.

Besides, she needs to eat some food first.


Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


Everyone seemed to like Wonder Woman from BvS (even if they hated most everything else)... and there's a real argument for wanting a female who's not so thin and is more toned for that role - with Wonder Woman being an Amazonian and all.

I'm sure that the fact that Anna Kendrick doesn't look like a swimsuit model would be okay for a role of some ex-psychologist with no special physical skills or training.

Look, we couldn't have women in comic book movies if they all had to look just like they do in the comic books... seeing as how they don't make breasts that big and actual female human beings have spines that won't let them stand in those stupid positions that a female stands in in almost any panel of a comic book.


I don't think we're all talking about swimsuit models, but most people wouldn't like women who look like pre-pubescent boys, play super hero type roles.


Well Harley Quinn is an expert in hand to hand combat and a Skilled Gymnast, so she has to have some muscle tone and body type.
- Everyone keeps saying i'm paranoid, it must be a conspiracy.


noo, i think robbie got it, kendrick is great for batgirl too.


Yeah she would have been a good Harley.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I don't think she should play the actual Harley Quinn but I did feel like she was a similar character in the making and fell in love with that towards the ending. I definitely want more of this! This couples deserves their own franchise imo
