
Did anyone notice how many times Bauer called Cartwright "buddy"? I was thinking that was his name, for a while. Or, it could just be his term for male friends. But it seemed almost patronizing or rude. You know, like "we are not buddies" or he didn't wish to call him by his name.


I didn't think it was patronizing...it reminded me of the way various professionals "talk someone down" who is stressing out, as in hostage situations, potential suicides, etc. Have you ever noticed that someone using your name over and over can be really irritating or superior? Alternating the name with friendly words smooths that out and sounds non-threatening.

~If you go through enough doors, sooner or later you're gonna find a dog on the other side.~🐕


Yea, actually Bauer thought of Cartwright as family - which he mentioned several times before he realized that Cartwright had tried to kill him. So he really felt betrayed. Furthermore, they apparently needed two people to do maintenance and Cartwright wouldn't agree to kill only one of >100 scientists so they could continue to maintain the facility properly.

Honestly, I love scientists, but I don't think some of the ones they saved were particularly important for a desolate wasteland - bird and reptile experts? Couldn't we have just learned the same thing from books? They probably should have saved more engineers than scientists.
