MovieChat Forums > The Revisionaries (2012) Discussion > Separation of church and state

Separation of church and state

I can't even begin to think they can possibly make any rational decisions for all Americans if they are going to pray before they start their board meetings and claim that the founding fathers didn't want a nation where people are free to practice any religion they wish. Just by having public prayer in Jesus' name in a government meeting, they are saying they are against any non christian American being apart of the meeting. Do they have no decency to keep their religious views to themselves for a couple hours out of respect for others? Do they really think jesus requires them to pray before they do any sort of act?

It's infuriating how they want children to all have to be told in school that this is a Christian nation. That sort of talk increases aggression against non Christian Americans as not being true patriots. As George W Bush said, you are either a patriot or you are a tool of the "evil doers." Do they think we don't know that they are saying we are the terrorists? Not just terrorists, but evil people. I for one don't believe in an evil person. I believe in sociopaths because science shows us they exist. And being a christian in no way keeps one from being a sociopath.

Thank goodness this is a country of immigrants, and one day there will be enough non-Christians to help this country be more respectful of diverse cultures and beliefs.


Excellent thoughts. I am just amazed at some of the people in this documentary - they actually walk among us!

As George W Bush said, you are either a patriot or you are a tool of the "evil doers."

Interesting side note - did you know that W's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was accused of being part of the plot to overthrow the government and replace it with a fascist dictatorship? And his son and grandson grew up to be presidents themselves with very interesting ideas!

To fix IMDB's display last option (ref)


We can take this conversation past the 'casting aspersions' stage when you point out where in the Constitution the 'separation of Church and state' is referenced.


It is embodied in the first amendment. See Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists, available at


I almost couldn't finish watching when they opened the meetings with prayers to their "lord and savior Jesus Christ". It is just too embarrassing to watch 21st century adults act like this.


Alas the Separation of church and state is an illusion, it simply doesn't exist and America is the benchmark for such evidence.

Why would people in a position of power make great efforts to better the world when they are convinced when they die they're going somewhere better anyway?

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
